Professional Goals

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Goals are what helps us move forward in life, the beginning of every journey we start and the vision of the end. Simple Definition of goal on Meriam Webster is "something that you are trying to do or achieve". Establishing goals provide us with short-term motivation and a long-term vision. It also helps us focus on acquiring knowledge and organize our resources and time so we can obtain the best of life. Grasping the importance and significance of goal-setting and applying the attained knowledge in life is also satisfying. As we live in a fast moving life, it is easy to feel as if we drift away. We work hard, however, don't appear to get anywhere worthwhile. According to learning framework book on page 120..." Goals form the compass by which you organize and manage your life. Just as a compass shows, directions, your goals shape the path you take." Recently we bought the archery gear for our kids but forgot to order the target; let's picture this scenario aiming an arrow without the target. Where would you aim? And let say you did shoot at some random object, but why did you aim at that object? What was the purpose? It …show more content…

Though this is a time sensitive as I need to finish my Bachelors first and then find a job that is all within a six-year timing. Before my daughter starts college, so I can support my husband with the financial responsibility as I am using our savings for my studies. It will take me at least five years to complete Bachelors in Speech-language and pathology from the University of Dallas. As I am working on a degree as a part-time student, so I am hoping to finish my Bachelors by the end of 2020. Additionally, my goal of achieving my Bachelor's is visible and written in front of my desk so that I can see it everyday. Also to keep my GPA high so I can get scholarships, grants, and loans easily. Accordingly, so I can keep it affordable for myself and be a good example for my

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