Professional Athlete Research Paper

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Professional Athlete People make hundreds of thousands of dollars for playing sports… Being a professional athlete and making money for playing sports, now that’s the life! A student who researches the nature of a job, its working conditions, employment facts, the education and training requirements, along with the future potential and earnings will be wiser and more knowledgeable when determining a career path to choose. Being a professional athlete is an interesting career because they make a lot of money, they get to play sports for a living, and they get to be competitive in what they do. Now, firstly a professional athlete includes many major duties that need to be addressed and applied. This includes maintaining physical fitness …show more content…

Professional athletes need to be physically fit in their sports so they can be at the top of their game. They also need to be committed to what they do otherwise they will fall behind and that might just be the end of their career… Boohoo, too bad so sad, not. Professional athletes also definitely need to be hard-working so that the coaches and other players believe in them so that they get playing time. They need to be mature because not many athletes can go professional at a very young age, (unless you’re Ricky Rubio and play professional basketball at age 13). Professional athletes also need to be professional in what they do, simply because that’s kind of what the athletes are there for, they’re not there too eat donuts. They must also demonstrate leadership and not get into fights and be a good role model for people because many people look up to them. Employers prefer to get professional athletes from either from college, high school, or athletes with previous athletic experience. Professional athletes’ training is as long until they decide to retire, they have long-term on-the-job training. Lastly, for what professional athletes do they receive little compensation, if they get hurt they may not receive their full salary and for athletes who are cut by a team or suffer a career-ending injury, little compensation is available for them sadly. Some of the benefits include receiving free travel, free food, and they get to do what they love. There is an estimated amount of 13,700 professional athletes, and professional athletes have a potential growth of about 6%, which is about

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