Prison Education

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Correctional Education for Inmates As the daughter of a teacher, a high school valedictorian, and a now college undergraduate student, I understand the value and importance of a decent education. Unlike many college students, I did not attend a mainstream high school, take Advance Placement (AP) courses, or enroll in any college night classes. I attended a vocational-technical high school to obtain career skills that were deemed necessary for future health care careers. To me, this was more important than taking AP Literature or AP Calculus. I knew that if I needed to, I could find a job with a livable salary without attending college. To have the knowledge of performing CPR and first aid, sterile techniques, and proper bedside manner gave …show more content…

According to the American Psychology Association, 10 to 25% of prisoners suffer from serious mental illness while only 5% of the general population experience the same fate (Collier, 2014). Social confinement, overcrowding, and inhumane conditions all contribute to the abundance of mental illness in prison (Collier, 2014). The education programs that are implemented will give inmates a sense of worth and pride. Placing inmate into correctional education programs will improve their mental health while in prison and help to ensure they remain out of prison once released. The prisoners will feel better knowing that they obtained their GED or job skills, making themselves and their families proud. Correctional education has an impact on the families of prisoners. “A study of the Bedford Hills College Program found that children of women enrolled in the prison college program expressed pride in their mother’s academic achievements, were inspired to take education more seriously, and were motivated to attend college themselves” (“Why Prison Education?”, n.d.). Education allows the prisoners and their families to feel proud of their accomplishments. These accomplishments encourage younger generations to achieve similar goals. Thus, correctional education indirectly improves the lives of the inmate’s children. Through correctional education, the mental health of prisoners …show more content…

Educated inmates are more likely to remain out of jail than those who do not receive an education while convicted. Correctional education can be cost effective by creating less crime and assisting people in using less government assistance. It was discussed in class that 95% of inmates are released from prison. These inmates should be educated to improve their lives and make the communities safer. By giving motivated inmates education, they can better the community once released by finding a job and paying

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