Principle Of Personal Hygiene

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1.1 Principles of hygiene and good grooming habits.
US 14659, SO1/AC 1-2, US 243193, SO2/AC1-5, SO3/AC1-4 Personal hygiene
The most basic principle of personal hygiene is to keep the body clean in order to prevent illnesses.

Personal hygiene entails keeping the body and hair clean by taking a bath or shower regularly. Personal hygiene includes hand, nose and oral hygiene.

It is essential to practice hygienic hand washing habits. This helps prevent the spread or germs or illness.
• Oral hygiene means taking care of your teeth through regular habits such as brushing after every meal and flossing daily.
• Nose or nasal hygiene means covering your nose when you sneeze, disposing of tissues properly and washing your hands after sneezing.
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The relationship between the basic functions of the human body and its organs are explained as follows: the body is made up of organs which form part of a number of systems which maintains and keeps the body functioning. The nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, immune system, excretory system, etc, all operate in order to have the body function properly. Examples: The cardiovascular system uses the heart and its function is to pump oxygen through the body. The digestive system uses the stomach and large intestine to break down food, absorb nutrients and convert food to waste/faeces. The respiratory system uses the lungs and the function of this organ in to inhale clean oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide from the body.

Fact: Regular flossing not only helps keep your teeth healthy but prevents heart disease too. By brushing and flossing, it removes dirt between teeth. If you don’t floss, that dirt creates bacteria which grows and goes into your blood stream and could lead to heart disease later. Got floss?


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