President Mugabe of Zimbabwe

1399 Words3 Pages


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President Mugabe of Zimbabwe

A lot of African countries experience corruption and such especially in regards to their government. There is one particular person that embodies all that is unethical and wrong. That person happens to be the president of Zimbabwe, otherly known as Robert Mugabe. Given Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980, Mugabe emerged a leader that could push his country in the right direction. He was thought of as a good leader with his and his party’s views “[opposing] all forms of racial oppression, and we are committed to the principles of human dignity and equality;” (Article 13). All of the good Mugabe was preaching and spreading throughout his country blinded the peaceful citizens to his much darker side, or agenda. It started with praise from the reconstruction of his torn country given the decolonisation but slowly but surely headed towards a dictatorship. As what comes with new leadership follows with opposition, mostly being political.

What came first, was a private militia commanded only by Mugabe himself. According to (Author Name), “[Paraphrase] A North-Korean trained private militia under Mugabe’s control went out to combat military insurgency in the Midlands and Matabeleland provinces in an operation named Gukurahundi which followed a 5-year war that killed thousands of civilians in what Mugabe described as a “moment ...

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..., contradicting self again)

12 of 2008 elections without reform, etc)

13 (34 years of deconstructment of Mugabe’s leadership)

14 (White farmers)

15 (military under control of next leader, Zanu too much influence)

16 (White farmer trial) w/ Article 3

17 (population statistics)

18 (Banning color white)

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