Preoperative Essay

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Perioperative is providing effective patient care before surgery, during surgery, and after surgery. Preoperative is providing the care that is needed before a surgical procedure. Postoperative is caring for a patient after a surgical procedure has occurred. The patient must first go to the admitting office and get a physical, family and medical history, advance directive, and an EKG done before surgery. Prior to the patient arriving to the hospital for surgery should be NPO after midnight, unless they have blood pressure medication, which is okay to take. The patient should arrive approximately 2 hours prior to surgery to ensure that the patient is prepped and ready for surgery by the scheduled surgery time.
Preparing a patient for surgery …show more content…

The surgery nurse tells the postop nurse about how the patient tolerated the surgery overall. The surgeon comes and look at the patient. The surgeon told the nurse the location, length, and how many stitches were associate with the wound. The nurse applied bactroban to the wound and monitored the wound for any bleeding. If there was bleeding to the wound area, then the nurse would tell the patient try not to talk since the surgery was on the lip. Postoperatively, the patient receives the information verbally about discharge instructions that are ordered by the surgeon, but the discharge papers may be handed to the family members. Since the patient is not fully competent after surgery the family member may be asked to assign the form with discharge instructions that were provided. The family is then given a copy of the discharge instructions, anesthesia paper, and the information about the procedure that was done. The planning that takes place when outpatients have surgery and are discharged home directly from the postop area is educating the patient about not driving within the next 24 hours, monitor the site for drainage, and depending on the surgery depends on the additional teaching that is needed. Also the nurse explains the medications that need to be taken, how long the medication needs to be taken for, and why the medication needs to be taken. The nurse tells the patient that if there are any changes cognitively or physically to call the doctor and if it’s an emergency then call 911. Phase 2 of surgery is known as the second part of recovery before the patient is able to go home. During Phase 2, the patient is closely monitored for any complications that may occur such as difficulty breathing, drainage at incision site and many more. The patient’s vital signs are taken every thirty minutes for an hour and if the

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