Prejudice Among Caucasian in Californian Harsh Feelings Towards Mexican Immigrants

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Everyone around the world has their own prejudices. Some of these prejudices are positive and others are negative. Prejudices that are negative are detrimental to the society in which they exist. One example of a negative prejudice in California is that some Caucasians look down upon working Mexican immigrants. One of the major complaints made by some Caucasian in California is that Mexican immigrants are "stealing their jobs." What is meant by this is that many Caucasians in California observe that many of the lower paying positions including field jobs are being filled by Mexican immigrants and their families. Unfortunately, some Caucasians view this negatively and put the label on it that the Mexican immigrants are "stealing" jobs that could go to native born Americans. Because of this negative view, there are some Caucasians in California that look down upon the entire Mexican community. However, if the Caucasians in California that hold these negative opinions learned more about the Mexican culture and the struggles that the immigrants endure to make a living in California and the rest of the United State, they would be more caring and understanding towards the Mexican community. One possible solution to improve race relations and eliminate negative cultural prejudices towards Mexican immigrants that are held by quite a few Caucasian Californians is displayed in Gordon Allport's concept of exposing those individuals that hold the negative prejudices to the culture that they hold those feelings against. Therefore, the answer to eliminating the prejudice that some Caucasians in California hold against Mexican immigrants is to expose them to the Mexican culture. The goal of this tactic would be to promote learning and understand...

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... to promote cultural understanding for Mexican immigrant, it is better to teach a society to understand the Mexican immigrants and their society. This could prove a useful tactic to overcome negative cultural prejudices that exist within the Caucasian community in California towards Mexican immigrants.
In conclusion, prejudices exist all throughout the world. Some are harmful and others are not. The prejudices held by some Caucasian Californians against Mexican immigrants like "stealing jobs" and holding them in lower regard than others is an example of a harmful prejudice. Some solutions to eliminate these prejudices are to teach parents to withhold their negative opinions from their children, convince the media to stop glorifying comedians who make racial jokes, and to encourage the entire group to learn more about the lives and culture of the Mexican immigrants.

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