Precarious Workers

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Precarious workers are the people who fill permanent job and internship needs in companies and industries, but are denied permanent employee rights. Around the world these workers are confronted to unstable employment, lower wages- if any, and more severe working conditions.
These employees often rarely receive social benefits and sometimes they are denied the right to join a union as they are not paid staff. Even when they have the right to unionize, workers are often scared to organize a union if they know they are easily replaceable. In these jobs they know they are just a number. Women, minorities and migrant workers are much more likely to fill these kinds of jobs. Today, permanent employment across many sectors has shifted …show more content…

Contracting out affects workers in different regions. The is spread to different sectors of companies and different lines of work. In previous year it was a massive problem for migrants in the construction sector especially. Precarious work used to be a problem affecting only certain types of jobs. These jobs involved food catering, security, cleaning, transport, and maintenance men or women. Later in time, others jobs were given out such as clerical work, warehousing, sorting, packing, and loading work. Now, almost everything can be contracted out, including, core production and sales …show more content…

These contracts usually last a few months, depending on the law surrounding. Often after this contract period is up, employers have the precarious workers re-apply as it is a loophole in the law. Often the enterprises use seasonal workers throughout every season. From their perspective it is giving a larger population a chance of working in the industry. It also means they cut ties with any previous employees, and they do not have to guarantee any future employment from it. Again, this type of season employment avoids legal complications.


In conclusion I would argue that precarious work is not significant. There are more disadvantages rather than advantages to precarious work. I would be inclined to believe it is not significant to the employee as much as it is to the employer.

As we see from studies, most advantages of precarious work are towards the employer. Companies hire full time staff who get paid very little, and sometimes nothing at all. They give them short term contracts asking them to sign a new one when the trail period is up. Precarious workers are very rarely offered permanent contracts. Employers often use these tricks to avoid legal complications. Precarious work is the employer’s deliberate decision to reduce the permanent workforce, to benefit

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