Powhatan Cultural Clash Summary

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• Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake o Powhatan, the leader of the Indians in the Jamestown region, tried to keep the natives in good relation with the English. But the reinforcement leader of the military colony, Lord De La Warr, used “Irish tactics” to attack the Indians o After the first Anglo-Powhatan War, a peace was made in 1614 with the marriage of John Rolfe and Pocahontas. o This peace was broken when Indians attacked the whites in 1622; the company responded by saying there would be no peace treaties and pushed the Indians westward. The Indians failed in 1644, the second Anglo-Powhatan War, to get back territory and were banned in 1646 by their peace treaty. o The reason why the Powhatans faced their tragedy is because of the three …show more content…

Here, a man named Handsome Lake tried to solve to the problems plaguing the reservation, such as alcoholism and conflict and low morale, by reviving old ways of Indian living.
Chapter 3 – Settling the Northern Colonies
• The Protestant Reformation Produced Puritanism o Calvinism became the basis for the New England Puritans and was written in 1536 in Institutes of the Christian Religion written by John Calvin of Geneva; he was inspired by Martin Luther and his Protestant Reformation with the RCC. o The teachings of John Calvin arrived in England during the time of the founding of the Church of England; thought King Henry VIII would have kept many Catholic aspects, the Puritans inspired by Calvin wanted the new church to be completely clear of Catholic influences. o Puritans felt only other Puritans were saints and all other were damned; since the Church of England had everyone in England at Church, the Puritans became Separatists, since they did not want to sit with the damned. o James I saw that the Separatists could mean trouble for him and his heirs so he harassed the Separatists until they …show more content…

• New England Spreads Out o Hartford was founded in 1635 under Thomas Hooker; made the Fundamental Orders, made a democracy controlled by “substantial” citizen, which was later adopted as the Connecticut state constitution. o New Haven was founded by Puritans wanting a closer church-state relation but were squatters and earned the disfavor of the King Charles II for hosting judges who killed his father; New Haven was merged under Connecticut with the Connecticut Valley charter. o Most in New England arrived in one decade, between 1629 and 1642 and brought entire families and communities. Practices and ways of life and craft were brought, as well as the names of towns transplanted from England in the New World. o Previously attempted to be colonized by Sir Fernando Gorges, Main was added as part of Massachusetts in 1677 when purchased by Gorges’ heirs/ o New Hampshire was also absorbed in 1641 by Massachusetts, before being separated by the King, who thought the Bay Colony was being greedy.
• Puritan Versus

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