Poverty in Our Society

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Poverty in Our Society In this assignment I intend to show an awareness of the concepts,

definitions and measurements of poverty, of the groups experiencing

poverty, social exclusion and discrimination. I will then discuss

Government anti-poverty policies, legislation and how social work can

respond to poverty.

I shall now discuss the history of poverty the legislation, theories

and measurements of poverty.

The Poor Law Act 1601 focused on work discipline, deterrence and

classification [Golding and Middleton (1982, Alcock.P p11). People who

were poor or destitute were sent to workhouses, as a form of poverty

relief, which was seen as a deterrent rather than a solution to

poverty. [Alcock. P p11] Poor people were classed as the "deserving"

(the elderly or sick) and the "undeserving" (idle, lazy, criminal)"individualist

theory". Due to economic structure legislation changed in 1795 to

support local parishes to top up agricultural workers wages with the

introduction of the "Speedhamland System". This form of support was

costly and indiscriminate and did not control or encourage employment.

Due to recognition of high unemployment and poverty the Poor Law

(1834) was amended, claiming that a person had to be destitute or

unemployable in order to receive assistance. [Alcock. P p11] According

to Ditch (1996) this law was established to "deter a person from

benefiting or seeing it as a substitute for employment"(p25).

In (1899) Rowantree conducted a study of people experiencing poverty

in York, Absolute poverty based on income. He concluded a family lived


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...clude that Government policies and legislation are to blame for

poverty, although the new policies and strategies in place today help

some they do not help all clients. I do not feel that it is social

works responsibility to deal with poverty or that social work can

alleviate poverty, as social work does not have the resources, funding

or the staff.

I feel that social work can and should challenge poverty, deprivation

and discrimination in other ways by anti-oppressive and discriminatory

practice. Empowering clients to be aware not only of, their own

injustices but that of other groups who discriminate against each

other, to install understanding and unity within the community a

holistic approach. Social and political change can be brought about by

empowering clients to join pressure groups to fight for their rights.

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