Postpartum Depression Research Paper

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PostPartum Depression is mostly found in most new mothers after they have their newborn. Their attitude could be like they don't want to be a mom, they always doubt themselves. The new moms are very distant from everybody and they don't want to be around their baby to have a bond. This is very common in most moms because they just think it's their babies fault on what's going on with them. It could be real hard to tell if someone has it because the person could hide it. Most of the cases are hard to find or figure out on who has it because the person that has it could just want to cover it all up and not let anyone figure it out. For an example, there was this lady named Lisa Abramson that had postpartum depression she would blame herself on why this was happening to her. Lisa said “By February 10th, my family moved from worried into action that saved my life once I became suicidal. I spent 10 days locked in the psychiatric ward as the doctors and my family …show more content…

AFter she had her fourth child she did try to commit suicide but didn't go to hospital although, Yates did try a second time and that is when they decided she should go to the hospital. Her doctor had told Yates that it wouldn't be a good idea to get pregnant again, but shortly after that Yates was once again pregnant with her fifth child. They had said that Yates “Four months after the birth of her daughter, Yates’ father died, and she entered another downward spiral. She was admitted to hospital a third time but released again a short time later.” Also, they documented that when Yates “ youngest child was seven months old, she took all five children, one by one, and drowned them in the bathtub, laying their bodies out on the bed once they were dead.”

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