Postmodernism Cinema Essay

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In the world today, most advocates stipulate that were live in ‘postmodern’ times. However, the term has been devalued in the past few decades. Though the term may have been regarded as concise in the past, it is today thinly spread over a broad range of social and cultural contexts. This issue is as true in film studies as in other aspects of the society. Postmodernity has become common while trying to characterize cinema in the 21st century. What the term suggests regarding contemporary film or the present-day society is far from agreed (Tudor, 2002). This paper examines the term ‘postmodernism’ as depicted in Andrew Tudor’s work “From Paranoia to Postmodernism: The Horror Movie in the Late Modern Society.”
Postmodernism Cinema …show more content…

In this case, this issue can be examined and assessed in three different ways. Firstly, diagnosis of current horror films as being distinctively postmodern is a claim regarding stylistic properties of texts (Tudor, 2002). The particular techniques or styles may be regarded as postmodern. Secondly, the with respect to wider level of generality, the description entails stylistic features, but in addition treats them as indicative of larger moral and cultural pattern changes. In this case, postmodernism is viewed globally as a doctrine that reflects an ideology and philosophy. Thirdly, the argument targets postmodernity as an indication of postmodernism. Here, it is true that certain aesthetic attributes should be treated as postmodern (Totaro, 2013). This is because there is an emerging trend that reflects postmodern moral and cultural changes. Nonetheless, all these should be considered as part of historical switch from modernity to postmodernity. In this case, postmodernity is indicative of the transition from the changes that have been witnessed before (Tudor,

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