Posession of Guns in the USA

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Posession of Guns in the USA Zimring and Hawkins states that America is a gun culture with these words from the report of the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence in 1969. "Firearms have long been an important part of American life. For many years the armed citizen-soldier was the country's first line of defense. Firearms no longer play a significant role in keeping food on American tables, yet Americans own and use firearms to a degree that puzzles many observers. If our frontier has disappeared, our frontier tradition remains" (Zimring and Hawkins, 1987: 30). The Economist states in an editorial that when people can get guns more easily there are more deaths which are caused by guns. There is a research result in 1996 about murders with guns. According to this research, there were two murders in New Zealand, fifteen in Japan, 30 in United Kingdom, 106 in Canada, 211 in Germany. On the other hand, in the USA, there were 9,390 gun related murders (America, 1998). This is a plain fact. Though there is a difference in population between each countries, it seems that there are too many gun related murders in the USA. Firearms-related incidents are taking place even in countries that it is illegal to possess guns. Therefore, it is needless to say that more gun related incidents would be occurring if the government permits gun ownership. However, is it really necessary for citizens to possess guns in this modern life? According to The Economist, most citizens in the USA want to own guns whether they use them or not despite of fact that guns are dangerous and the cause of death. To become an owner of gun, they don't care about the price. The reason is that they think firearms are in... ... middle of paper ... ...gun related accidents. To reduce gun related incidents and gun related accidents, more strict gun law is necessary. Works Cited America and guns. (1998). The Economist, 346, (8062), 16-17. Australia: Earthy Hell. (1996). The Economist, 339, (7964), 35. Barnard, J. (1998). Suspended student kills one in high school cafeteria; two dead at his home. The Oregonian. (May 21). Lacayo, R. (1995). A small-bore success. Time, 145, (7), 47. Sheley, J. & Wright, J. (1995). In the line of fire. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. West, W. (1996). When citizens carry sidearms, crooks bear the consequences. Insight on The News, 12, (13), 48. Witkin, G. (1997). Handgun stealing made real easy. U.S. News & World Report, 122, (22), 34-35. Zimring, F. & Hawkins, G. (1998). The citizen's guide to gun control. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

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