Pop Tarts Competitors

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COMM 458
Winter 2016: Midterm Exam
Question 1 (3 Pages)

Keller’s Customer-Based Brand Equity Table (CBBE) uses six building blocks, which are a very helpful tool when building a brand. The following CBBE was created for the brand Pop-Tarts.


While analyzing Pop Tart’s depth and breadth it became clear that they are a well-established brand that is well-known nationwide. Pop Tart’s depth is very good, I believe consumers can easily recall and recognize the brand; this may be because the brand has been around for a very long time and they only have one competitor with a similar product but a completely different mission. This competitor is Fibre One’s Toaster Pastry and although it is a toaster pastry it’s main mission is to sell an organic product while Pop Tarts is focused on creating a tasty product regardless of how healthy it is. When I think of a toaster pasty Pop Tart is what comes to mind, …show more content…

The brand gives me a happy feeling and the various flavours make me feel like it is a fun treat to have which makes me forget about my goals of eating healthy food. I do agree that many parents would not choose Pop Tart’s for their children due to the amount of sugar and preservatives in Pop Tarts.

Relationship - LOYALTY
Pop Tarts has been successful at building a connection with its consumers due to nostalgia and the different marketing experiences they have put on which has caused consumer commitment to escalate. When it comes to relationship status with Pop Tarts I think if a consumer eats Pop Tarts then they are married to the brand and will not try any other brands but if a consumer doesn’t eat Pop Tarts then they don’t eat any of Pop Tart’s near competitors. This causes consumers to be committed to someone else but that brand isn’t even in the same market category, they are committed to a brand in the Far or Farer

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