Pop Punk Thesis

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Pop Punk. A recent surge in this genre of music, liked by many people who find themselves not being typical, mainstream teens. However, Pop Punk is an oxymoron in itself. Pop is very mainstream, it is constantly being overplayed on every radio station, yet liking Pop Punk music is considered to be not mainstream. As any kind of music, it can help people diminish their emotions or help strengthen them. Whichever the case, Pop Punk music is always put on the back burner for popular tastes. The people who like it are viewed in society as scene kids in the 90s-- classic rebellious kids. But in the words of Brian Sella, lead singer for a pop punk band called The Front Bottoms, he sings, “I wanna contribute to the chaos, I don't wanna watch and then …show more content…

I began to realize how many people acquire some form of hurting and abuse in their life. I began to realize what troubles at home actually meant. Because of listening to music that gets categorized as Pop Punk, I became more relatable to situations that no one wants to talk about. With phrases like “I am scared I am going to die as lonely as I feel” is how a vast majority of people feel. Granted no one is comfortable with talking about that at social gatherings, it is frowned upon. This aids as a catharsis for my feelings, as well as for anyone’s …show more content…

Nobody would ever think that there could lessons learned while listening to something so arbitrary as Pop Punk music. One of my favorite lines that can be applied in copious situations: “Sometimes you gotta close your eyes to fully see the light,” another lyric taken from Brian Sella. What I take from it is that sometimes the place where happiness is found, is not always there. Sometimes it is hiding in places normally nobody would expect to find it. That is what I did with this music, I found happiness within it. Even more, I was able to contribute to the

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