Polygamy Essay

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Throughout the history of the world, polygamy has played an integral part of the religious practices of various societies. For example, anciently, Jews, Muslims, Christians, and other religions have practiced polygamy. Today in America many people from many different cultures and spiritual backgrounds co-exist, including some who feel that God would have them marry more than one person at a time, all guaranteed, by the Constitution, the right to believe and worship as they see fit. Considering the diverse religious climate in America, polygamy, as a religious practice, must be protected under the first amendment to the Constitution. It is common knowledge that America was founded by people who were seeking to establish a democratic government, which would allow for religious freedom. Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson and others sought to create a document that would establish laws to protect religious freedom. In America, there would be no state church; citizens were to be free to be Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, or any other religion. Citizens could also choose to not unite themselves with any denomination. They could even be agnostic or atheist. They could attend church services, preach in the streets, pray, own and distribute sacred writings, and live how they believed God would have them live. This would be a drastic change from the history of forced religion that was happening in most of the world, where one converted or was punished in some way: fined, imprisoned, or even killed. In short, the people of the United States of America could believe what they wished and practice their religion, without the threat of the government violating those rights. However, even with these gua... ... middle of paper ... ...duals believe that God supports and condones polyamory, and are advocating this principle on a political level. Whether one agrees morally with polyamory, we must acknowledge that some Universal Unitarians see this type of multiple marriage as a religious practice, and as supporters of the first amendment, we must protect their right to practice their religion. The Christian Polygamists, Latter Day Saints, Fundamental Latter Day Saints, Muslims, and some of the Universal Unitarians all teach that polygamy was instituted by God. Regardless of one’s opinion about how marriage should be defined, it must be acknowledged that these religions passionately believe that marrying more than one person at a time is ordained by God. Because there are so many different religions thriving in America, many teaching polygamy, it is necessary to protect it as a religious practice.

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