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Air pollution after industrial
Greenhouse effect and global warming
Greenhouse effect and global warming
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The Earth is a beautiful place to live in, it’s amazing how many things we take for granted.
When you can’t be bothered leaving your bed, you don’t think about the experiences you can have in this world. You don’t take notice of the true beauty it brings, instead you overlook it and all you see is cold mornings and school. But what if one day you wake up and it’s all gone? Then you would have wished you appreciated it more. You never realise how much you take for granted until you’ve lost it. Pollution is destroying our planet, through our air, water and land. When will you realise how much your planet does for you?
Above all, air pollution is threatening all life on earth. Most of air pollution we cause results from the burning of fossil fuels, such as natural gas, coal, gasoline and oil. Factories contribute greatly to air pollution, factories burn fossil fuel which creates carbon dioxide, the most dangerous greenhouse gas. For example it is estimated that industry and electrical generating factories contribute slightly more than 50% of greenhouse gases. Another harmful gas created by the burning of fossil fuels is sulphur dioxide, when these gases meet up with water vapour in the atmosphere; they make sulphuric and nitric acid. The acid falls to earth in rain, snow, or fog. This rain can kill fish in rivers and lakes, burn leaves on trees and dissolve limestone in buildings. Factories also create ground level ozone problems by releasing harmful gases into the air; ozone is made from three oxygen atoms, which is one more oxygen atom than required for breathable oxygen, O2. Under certain conditions, some pairs of oxygen atoms break apart, and each atom joins another pair to make ozone, O3. Although ozone may be useful for fi...
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...highly toxic fertilizers and pesticides to get rid of insects, fungi and bacteria from their crops. However if they overuse these chemicals, it results in contamination and poisoning of soil. A single US person produces 2 kilograms of garbage a day and each household produces tonnes of garbage each year. Did you know we produce enough rubbish every day to fill 63,000 garbage trucks? What is surprising is that 80% of that waste can be recycled, but they’re not. Things that cannot be recycled become a part of the landfills. If these landfills are not treated or sealed properly before the burial, they result in severe degradation of land and contamination of groundwater present below it. For example land pollution causes us to lose 24 billion tonnes of topsoil every year. One of the main human contributors to pollution is landfills and we’re doing nothing about it.
I took a deep breath in and was amazed by the freshness of the air. Gargantuan evergreen trees towered over me and a creek silently trickled beside me. I remember looking up in the cloudless sky and thinking how lucky I was. I finished a rigorous hike in Acadia National Park and was absolutely astounded by the beauty of this earth. A small breeze carried the crisp scent of nature up to my nose. Taking a deep breath in, I truly appreciated the simple beauty of this planet. Earth is not something you can recreate. With global warming on the rise, humans must do everything they can to preserve this planet.
from solid or not. He is going to conduct an experiment that will tell him if
There are many kinds of air pollution. The ones I want to talk about are the ozone, acid rain, carbon monoxide and toxic air contaminants. Ozone is formed when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide react in sunlight. Therefore, ozone is at its peak during hot summer days. Exposure to high levels of ozone can have serious consequences on your health. It can cause respiratory disease, loss of pulmonary elasticity, and premature aging of our lungs. Next, is acid rain, which occurs in the atmosphere in the form of sulfur and nitrogen oxide. These pollutants can have serious damaging affects on aquatic, forest and wildlife ecosystems, as well as deterioration of buildings. Carbon monoxide is another form of pollution. It reduces the blood?s ability to carry oxygen. If a human is exposed to higher levels, it can cause chest pains, angina attacks or even death.
The effects of using fossil fuels are starker than their timelines. Humans release approximately two billion metric tons of pollution annually, mostly from the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas; this pollution is destroying our environment and the ozone layer. Ozone and smog damage forests, crops, and other plant life, and reduces visibility. Other pollutants have the same
Air pollution is caused by many things such as car fumes, burning of fossil fuels,
Warmer global temperatures affect farming, wildlife, sea levels and natural landscapes. The effects of car pollution are widespread, affecting air, soil and water quality. Nitrous oxide contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer, which shields the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide mix with rainwater to create acid rain, which damages crops, forests and other vegetation and buildings. Oil and fuel spills from cars and trucks seep into the soil near highways, and discarded fuel and particulates from vehicle emissions contaminate lakes, rivers and wetlands. Air pollution from cars and trucks is split into primary and secondary pollution. Primary pollution is emitted directly into the atmosphere; secondary pollution results from chemical reactions between pollutants in the atmosphere. The following are the major pollutants from motor vehicles: Particulate matter (PM), Hydrocarbons (HC), Nitrogen oxides (Nix), Carbon monoxide (CO), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Hazardous air pollutants (toxics), Greenhouse
Evo Morales stated, “Sooner or later, we will have to recognize that the Earth has rights too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans” (Pollution Quotes, 2013). Hence, attention must be provided to this devastating issue. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes adverse changes (Wieman, 2013). There are numerous types of pollution, such as light, air, land, water, noise, thermal and radioactive pollution. In an article, the author highlighted that according to Richard Buckminster Fuller, “Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting, we allow them to disperse because we’ve been ignorant of their value” (Farrell, 1971, p. 52). Pollution is created mostly by human actions, but can also be a result of natural disasters. Pollution can harm the environment of the world and its inhabitants in many ways. Pollution has a detrimental effect on any living organism in an environment, making it virtually impossible to sustain life (Enclyopedia - Pollution, 2008).
Also, when soil in and close production ranges turn out to be unclean due to dumping of excess material, such terrestrial cannot be used for farming processes. Pollution is also caused by iron and steel mills; zinc, lead, and copper smelters; municipal incinerators; oil refineries; cement plants; and nitric and sulphuric acid plants. Soil pollution is mostly due to elements in herbicides (wild plant killers) and pesticides (toxins which kill flies and other invertebrate mice). Litter is unused material put in public places such as streets, parks, picnic areas and near shops. The addition of waste intimidates the wellbeing of individuals in housing areas. Waste decays, heartens domestic rascals and goes urban places into unappealing, unclean and unhealthy areas to live in.( (Michael
My family and I rarely went on outings; my parents were always busy or at work. Likewise, family trips or vacations were something my parents could not afford. The first time I ever fully experienced the beauty of nature was when I went on a week long trip with my fifth grade class to an outdoor school. This was the first time I went on a real hike and the first time I was really in the middle of nature. Walking through the forest, listening to the birds chirp and the graceful movement of the leaves in the wind changed my perspective. That week, I realized how much beauty there was to discover on Earth. My relationship with the environment started during that trip in fifth grade as I realized that the world is such an immense place full of things to admire and unearth. It was something wholly new to me. I fell in love with the
These fuels include coal, oil products such as gasoline, and natural gas. Use of these fuels has a number of harmful health and environmental effects. According to the World Health Organization, outdoor air pollution, most of it from burning fossil fuels, especially coal kills at least 800,000 people each year and causes health problems for tens of millions of others. Technology is available to reduce such air pollution, but using it is costly and results in higher fuel
Many people assume that the environment is not in danger. They believe that as technology advances, we do not need to worry about renewing natural resources, recycling, and finding new ways to produce energy. They state that one person in the world does not make a large difference. In reality, each individual's contribution greatly affects our environment. Our natural resources are slowly disappearing, and we must work together to save them and the Earth from ruin.
The number of landfills in the United States is decreasing, but the amount and volume of waste being thrown into the new landfills is increasing (Russell 4). Because of this escalating amount of garbage, methane, which contributes to global warming, is an outcome of these landfills (Russell 7). As a result, our planet is suffering because of this epidemic. The garbage being put in the landfills could be recycled, but not enough businesses, schools and cities are promoting the “going green” trend.... ... middle of paper ...
We all belong to the same world and all of us have the same responsibilities towards the world and its environment. This fact might be hard to digest, but if we continue to pollute the Earth at the current rate, all of the world’s ocean waters will become one-hundred-thirty percent acidic. This means that the ocean will be unable to sustain most of its marine life and only a few creatures will be able to survive in the water. A big population of people think that they do not or have few responsibilities towards the environment. People think that the governor of a country should take steps to help the environment. They leave it to scientists since they have the technology to prevent pollution, or that is what most people think. There are more responsibilities to the world each individual has than most of realize. The amount of negligence and ignorance of humans towards the Earth is taking a heavy toll.
Factories and transportation depend on huge amounts of fuel--billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year. When these fuels burn they introduce smoke and other, less visible, by-products into the atmosphere.
Global warming is an increase in the earth's temperature due to fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. This results in an increased evacuation of greenhouse gases. “Short-wave solar radiation sinks into the Earth's atmosphere and warms its surface while long-wave infrared radiation emitted by earth's surface is absorbed, and then re-emitted by trace gases.” (2)