Political Safe Space

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Safe spaces are relatively new constructions on college campuses. Originally, safe spaces referred to places where people of marginalized groups could come together and express their opinions without the fears of aggression or discrimination, especially among members of the LGBTQ community.

Over time, safe spaces gradually extended to other categories: race, ethnicity, gender, cultural background, religion, etc., in order to promote diversity and inclusiveness and provide a learning environment comfortable and secure enough for people of those minority groups to speak freely.

This type of safe space on a college campus is a brilliant idea. No one should feel threatened to the point of silence. Everyone should be encouraged to speak freely …show more content…

First, a political safe space completely contradicts the freedom of speech. A safe space such as this shields Democrats from the reality of Trump as president-elect and from conservative viewpoints, effectively eschewing any ideology other than the liberal agenda.

At an educational institution—where the sole purpose is to cultivate the unbridled exchange of ideas and knowledge—a political safe space should be frowned upon. Universities must not be selective about ideas, lest the value of their education be compromised. Students certainly do not possess the right not to be offended.

Second, political safe spaces do little to prepare students for the vicissitudes of life. At institutions such as the University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania, these political safe spaces have provided everything from puppies to cookies to intellectual discussion in order to process the magnitude of the election.

Seriously? Post-election counseling? Stop whining about something that can't be changed and get over it. You must be able to move on from loss; dwelling on hurt feelings doesn't help

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