Comparative Analysis of US and Chinese Political Systems

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Political parties in the China and the United States are exceptionally different. In a way that each country's political party system has their own way of controlling their government. At the end each country's main objective is to make sure their country would succeed. In China they have a Communist form of government and in the United States, we have a Democratic and Republican parties. Also events that happen in or out of China or the United States affects policy making.

A Political party is a group of individuals that share the same belief and an idea about the way that their country should be governed. There are three types of party systems in the world. These parties include the one-party, two-party, and multi-party. China has a single-party …show more content…

Even though there are other parties that do exist in the United States the two main parties in the government are the Democratic and Republican parties. Instead of only one party that controls the government there are two parties. Having the two-party system in the United States is beneficial because a two-party system allows there to be a stable balance in the government. The Democratic party believes in the idea that there should be equal rights. That the government should be more active in the lives of people in need. Meaning that the government should be taking care of all their citizens. On the other side there’s the Republicans party takes care of owners that are from both large and small business. Having a two party system allows each party to focus on the interest and opinions of the people because each group consists of individual voters. Both parties try to do what's best for the county. Democratic believe that people should have the right to abortion their child because it is their body and they should have a choice to do what they want. Republicans have their own opinion on abortion. They believe that the unborn child also has rights too. That that baby should have the right to live. Each party voices their opinions and the people can decided which side they are for. Having two political parties allows what is necessary to make political decisions because each party has to think about the interest and opinions of the people, so that they can continue to receive the support from them. Political parties work together to get their candidate elected. After their candidates are elected into office, they work together to decide what laws to pass. The main goal of any political party is to win elections so that they could decide what is right for their government. People in the United States when they register to vote, they

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