Essay On The Difference Between The Federalist And Federalists

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There have been many different parties surface since the beginning of the American political system. They all have had different thoughts, policies, and motivations. Each party has their own agenda some have made significant contributions and others have not. The first split, and beginning of the party system, came with the variation between the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. These two parties were extremely different in thought, strategies, and status of people involved such as their leaders and believes on how to run the government. The Federalists worked to create a stronger national government, supported British in foreign affairs, and favored a national bank. The Democratic-Republican Party operated to advocate states’ rights, supported the French in foreign affairs and opposed a national bank. These are some of the differences that set apart these two major government Parties.
The Federalists worked to create a stronger national government, supported British in foreign affairs, and favored a national bank. The Federalist Party was the first to appear and it was formed around Alexander Hamilton, who served as secretary of the treasury in the new government organized by George Washington and by John Adams who was the first Vice-President of the United States. The Federalists were a powerful and wealthy party; some of their supporters were in the north and among the merchant class, large planters, bankers, and professionals. The Federalists were most influential in the North where they loved Britain and all things British. The Federalists felt that there should be a loose constructionist interpretation of the constitution. They believed that there were things implied by or simply understood by the wording of the...

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... instead the Neutrality act of 1794 followed, which ended in congress passing the Pacificus/Helvidius debates which are a series of important debates and it is how the stage is set for the party system where the democratic-republican support France and the Federalist support the British.
There were many differences between the Federalist and Democratic Republican Parties. One party was wealthy, the other poor. Each party had control over a particular part of the nation. They each had their own idea as to how to interpret the Constitution. This split between parties was just the beginning of the American political party system, it is inevitable since people have and will always have different ideas on the best way to run the nation and the best way to govern the people. We the American people will just have to agree to disagree and work together for a better future.

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