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Forbidden fruit analysis
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Recommended: Forbidden fruit analysis
When I first watched the video “Strange Fruit” I found it nothing short of gruesome. The words swelled my eyes with tears as the images thwacked into my empathetic heart like an axe cutting into a tree. I could feel each clang as each picture changed. I listened intently to the words that sadly sawed through the lyrics leaving sawdust and residue in my mind. The song bears the pain of the fruit that has been lost. The title, like the trunk of a tree, is the foundation of the song, the representation of its strength but not what is most remembered. The pictures, are the flowers, of the video blooming of the face of each hanged man. The leaves, as Billy Holiday sings them, so simple but yet the crown of the tree, the sadness over the hierarchal rank “For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck, For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop.” The men hanging to wither and rot for no reason other than ignorance, greed and prejudice. “A strange and bitter crop.” The video and lyrics accomplished its intent to shock and inform. I have seen movies, and read books where slavery is talked about or seen. I saw “Roots” and “Amistad” and had moments of just pure anger and commiseration for those people. However, they were both movies with length and depth. I am impressed at the reaction and response that I had from this sixteen line poem. The arrangement of the music, tone of voice, and choice of photo’s will forever be deep-rooted in my
Kim Addonizio’s “First Poem for You” portrays a speaker who contemplates the state of their romantic relationship though reflections of their partner’s tattoos. Addressing their partner, the speaker ambivalence towards the merits of the relationship, the speaker unhappily remains with their partner. Through the usage of contrasting visual and kinesthetic imagery, the speaker revels the reasons of their inability to embrace the relationship and showcases the extent of their paralysis. Exploring this theme, the poem discusses how inner conflicts can be powerful paralyzers.
Poetry and music both connections amongst each other, that make each other almost identical. Musicians use poetry to write their songs and sometimes write a poetic song first without the lyrics, then add music in it to finalize the song. Both are two different but the same style of literature. The poem “Promises like Pie-Crust” has two versions to it, the poem itself and the song version, but both are almost identical.
This shows us how white people thought of African Americans as inferior, and they just wanted to dominate the society making no place for other races to express themselves. Even though African Americans were citizens of the state of Mississippi they were still discriminated against. This documentary does a great job of showing us the suffering of these people in hopes to remind everyone, especially the government, to not make the same mistakes and discriminate against citizens no matter what their race is because this will only cause a division to our nation when everyone should be
The most enduring and alluring part of the film is the live footage of Holiday performing, either in a band with one of her idols, Louis Armstrong, or in her first film role as a maid, or in her later televised performances in the fifties. It was not Lady’s vocal talent that made her what she was. It was her delivery, performance style, charisma, and impeccably beautiful dramatization of even the most banal little number that made an impression on audiences. The footage of her singing the song “Strange Fruit” is one of the most amazing and alarming things in the film. As the audience looking in, we feel every word she sings, with a bit of awe, tinged with the horrid reality of what the song is about.
“Strange Fruit” by Billie Holiday conveys the inhumane, gory lynchings of African-Americans in the American South, and how this highly unnatural act had entrenched itself into the society and culture of the South, almost as if it were an agricultural crop. Although the song did not originate from Holiday, her first performance of it in 1939 in New York City and successive recording of the song became highly popular for their emotional power (“Strange fruit,” 2017). The lyrics in the song highlight the contrast between the natural beauty and apparent sophistication of the agricultural South with the brutal violence of lynchings. Holiday communicates these rather disturbing lyrics through a peculiarly serene vocal delivery, accompanied by a hymn-like
The death camp was a terrible place where people where killed. Hitler is who created the death camp for Jews. The death camp was used for extermination on Jews. This occurred on 1939 – 1945. The death camps were in the country of Europe. Hitler did all this because he didn’t like Jews and the religions. The book Night is a autobiography written by Elie Wiesel. The poem called First they came for the communist written by Martin Neimoller is a autobiography.
This poem at first seemed straightforward to me. As I read it more closely and thought about it more I began to put bits and pieces together. I think Hughes has done a wonderful job of describing the slave experience, from the beginning of his narrative to the end, which is when he starts to realize that a brighter future might exist. The way it was written made me really think about what it was Hughes was trying to say. This poem made me realize that a great many people suffered as slaves. These people lived their whole lives in this capacity, most without hope of any change of status. I felt like I was putting together a jigsaw puzzle and it was a good feeling when I finally saw what I believe Hughes wanted me to see.
In the passage Clover, Graham, a teacher, seems to have playful interactions with his students. This is explained throughout the passage and is expressed the dialogue of the characters. The author creates Graham to be a quirky, yet hard working character. This was shown when Graham did not have a mirror to do his hair and came to school with it looking not up to standard, yet only because he was doing renovations to his home and forgot to get a new mirror when he was to replaced his other one.
Many people have given up trying and others have adjusted to the way that they have to live and their sense of being human still is nearly gone. So many people who are African Americans that come from poverty are still stuck there because they don’t know what else to do any they are or have been in jail. If this story were to have happened 100 years ago that whole family would have been killed or put in an asylum and tortured. Although they are still tortured by this sentence and although time is surely taking its time in changing things, a lot has changed and without these stories or poems a lot of this change wouldn’t have
Contradicting to an even further extent, the attitude of the work, the final stanza seems to ridicule the previous: "Wipe your hand across your mouth, and laugh; / The worlds revolve like ancient women / Gathering fuel in vacant lots," (CPP, 13). Concerning itself with the world as a whole, the lines utilize a simile to characterize the inevitable persistence of meaningless action, action that sustains persistence, inturn sustaining a spiritually defunct society.
hesis: Spiteful diction is used when describing the speaker’s life, however the tone shifts to something more positive when speaker is describing the story of the man who decides to lead a nomadic life. Although the speaker glorifies the story of man who gave up everything and left, the speaker in the end admits comfort in the security of his established life, suggesting that the uncertainty of a choice can hold a person back from making it, even though it may, in the end, benefit them.
Keats’s “When I Have Fears” and Longfellow’s “Mezzo Cammin” present contemplative speakers that reflect on the subject on the inevitability of their deaths and whether their lives have been fully fulfilled. Both poets display similar structure and utilize similes and metaphors to represent their lives in order to explore their views on their deaths; however, their attitudes towards the subject differ significantly.
David Baker’s poem, “After”, is a relatable poem, especially for anyone that has sailed on the boat of anxiety. In the poem, Baker describes a life on a miserable island, that leads to a lost end of loneliness. It is comparable to the continuous back and forth motion of waves as they have the feeling of being alone. This poem portrays a theme of loneliness using imagery. Showing how being lonely leads to feeling lost, with a hunger of becoming sociable.
Billie Holiday was a famous Harlem Renaissance jazz and blues singer. Her voice took on the emotion of the song, which was a quality not many singers had. Those strong emotions might have come from her cruel and misfortunate past. Holiday recorded many songs, but there was one song that made a huge impact. That song was Strange Fruit, a poem by Abel Meeropol that was set to music. The title came from the analogy that compared the lynched bodies of two men to fruit that hung on trees. Though Holiday was negatively affected by the song, Strange Fruit mostly impacted people’s lives positively. Even today, people are still being affected by Strange Fruit. Billie Holiday’s performances of Strange Fruit sparked a revolution that would later result
I think that this poem is about the angel of death who is here to take