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Pocahontas, whose real name was Matoaka, was daughter of Powhatan, an important chief of the Algonquian Indians (the Powhatans) who lived in the Virginia region in the 1600s. While she is known for one of the most important decisions she made later in her life, the life she led before that is can be considered somewhat normal. A young girl, around twelve, Pocahontas was already introduced and aware of the world around her. English settlers arrived at Jamestown, or America, and almost immediately tensions rose between the English and the Indians of the Powhatan tribe. Pocahontas, being the daughter of the extremely powerful chief, took on the role of peacemaker; her own people loved and respected her immensely and she became well liked by the English settlers. In 1607, Pocahontas committed a heroic act that is still being researched today. Besides Captain John Smith, there are no other sources and/or evidence to conform the event. However, how the story is said to of happened is that Captain John Smith was leading an expedition when suddenly the Indians took him captive. The great chief forced Smith to stretch out on two large, flat stones and Indians stood over him with clubs as though ready to beat him to death if ordered. Suddenly, Pocahontas, only twelve, emerged and rushed to Smith’s side and laid her own body on top of his, appearing as if to sacrifice herself. As a result of Pocahontas’ brave act, she saved Smith and relations between the Indians and English continued to be generally friendly. (Fausz "Pocahontas"; Townsend “Pocahontas”). Despite Pocahontas’s effort to make peace between the two sides, war eventually broke out. In 1613, the English kidnapped Pocahontas. They intended to use her as a hostage in negotiations with the Indians. The English were certain that her father would ransom his daughter and settle the war, but her father acted far from the

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