Plot In Robert Olen Butler's 'Christmas 1910'

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In “Christmas 1910” Robert Olen Butler uses plot to illustrate that sometimes the things a person thinks they need, they already have. In the beginning the protagonist Abigail is shown as being lonely. The only thing she has in her life is her horse, Sam. She spends all her time with the horse, the horse is her only companion in life at this point. Abigail loves Sam, yet she longs for something more. Robert Olen Butler uses the plot to illistrate how lonely Abigail feels, and how she longs for someone in her life to love and spend time with.
Later in the story Robert Olen Butler introduces a handsome stranger by the name of John Marsh. At this point the reader is able to assume this unexpected houseguest will intrigue Abigail. Butler then

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