Pineapple Essay

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A pineapple a day keeps the worries away. In my opinion, pineapples are hands down the best thing in the entire world! Who does not love pineapples? Their juicy sweetness makes your soul jump up and down. If I had to choose one thing to eat everyday all day for the rest of my life it would be the well known tropical fruit, a pineapple, but it can only be the pineapple spears that come in a clear plastic container with delightful rectangular logs in them. It can not be the chunks, or the pineapple cut when you get home. It just simply can not be that way. Any other kind of pineapple shape will not due. Why? You may ask. The rectangular logs that have been pre-cut, pre-soaked, and preserved have been sitting in the store waiting on you to choose them. They are the juiciest and squishiest of the bunch. The best and only way to eat the delicious lump is with a fork. You stab the rectangular log in the middle so you can eat one dripping wet, juicy, fuzzy side first. Then you can move onto the other side. The slurping sound you make when you take a bite out of the spear makes me my mind calm. Most people hate that sound, but me, I love it. You know when you take a bite out of the pineapple the fruit has this fuzzy texture when you bite a piece off. The yellow pieces burst in your mouth. More than likely you will have either seeds or …show more content…

Pineapples have an excellent source of vitamin C and other antioxidants. It helps your body stay strong and helps boost your immune system to help fight off colds. So to sum up, eating pineapple can be good for your body both inside and out. Eating a few slices of fresh pineapple a day can defend your body from harmful free radicals and disease, help your digestion by cleansing the body’s organs and blood, increase your energy intake and boost metabolism, nourish your hair, skin, nails and teeth and keep you generally healthy, and it tastes

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