Punctuation errors in writing have hunted me ever since I can remember. They are my worst enemies when it comes to writing sentences in an essay. From my view punctuation errors are not only easy to make, but they are very hard to find in my essay’s after my sentences have been wrote. I can perform the punctuation errors and not even know I even made it. It drives me crazy, because I be having so many punctuation errors in my sentences when my English professor grades my essay’s.
I never knew how much punctuation errors have affected my grade, until I got feedback on my last essay from my English professor, and she said, “the paper cannot pass due to too many punctuation errors”. After that feedback I begin to think of ways that could help me with punctuation errors. I ran cross some helpful punctuation resources that helped me with my punctuation errors, and they were online resources, some strategies, and the writing lab.
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Not just any random online resources, I used the ones that involved punctuation errors in essay’s. The best thing about using these online resources was, I didn’t have to pay to use it and it was easy to use and very helpful. All I had to do was copy my essay and put it in a text box, and the program had done the rest of the work. After I had put my essay in the text box I click enter, and the program calculated all my punctuation errors I had on my paper. When the program calculated my punctuation errors, it had gave me the correct punctuation that was needed for the text. Then all I had to do was click the correct punctuation and it put it in the essay. I never knew correcting punctuation is no longer than five minutes with just a click of a mouse and a helpful
The Screwtape Letters are a fictional series of letters compiled into a book and written by the highly acclaimed apologist and author, C.S. Lewis. The Letters discuss topics such as salvation, the Christian lifestyle, depression, love, and many other subjects that are pivotal to the way we live, think, and interact with others and the world around us.
Eliminating abbreviations can reduce errors in the healthcare profession when it comes to medication errors, patients dealing with a life threatening medical error, and similar abbreviations.
If someone asked me which of my two favorite restaurants I like the more, my response would be,
I can solve my comma error problem by simply going over the commas rules. I can also ask for help from the English teacher at Collegiate or go to the Academic Success Center at the college. If all of this fails I can just ask you for help.
1. When quoting, you need to use quotation marks around the quotes unless you are separating the quote from you text by indenting each line. Also, the final punctuation should come not inside the quotation marks but after the parentheses. If you are using other sources it is very important that you put in parentheses the name of the author and the page number on which the quote can be found. Also, if you are using other sources you should really, truly use a works cited so that others can find that same source.
Throughout this semester I have learned many ways of writing through two main essays literacy narrative and comparison and contrast. These two essays have taught me how to correctly fix my comma splices, thesis statements, and capitalization. I have engaged in numerous learning material during this summer class. Many times when I thought it would be hard to work on those three developments I never gave up. I gain more positive feedback from my teacher because he pointed out most of my mistakes I made on both literacy narrative and comparison and contrast essays to help me understand what is it that I need to work on. My development as a writer became stronger.
In this chapter, Lynne Truss talks about the outdated and dreaded punctuation mark, the hyphen. The hyphen has caused controversy over whether or not it shuld be a part of the English Language today. The hyphen was traditionally used to split a word, and to show "that a word is unfinished and continues on the next line" (pg.146). This old style of punctuation is not liked by writers and readers across the board. Truss describes her experience with using hyphens as a disaster. She believed that "hyphen usage is a just bloody mess and is likely to get messier" (pg.149).
Thirdly, sentence structure and punctuation. What a complete pain in my neck. I would much rather complete the writing and have someone else worry about the correct syntax. Most of the time, I do not have issues with run on sentences or periods. It is all the rest of them. I found colons are good for making the eyes on smiley faces in my email (:-) ), but I am not too sure how to correctly use them. Please don't even get me started talking about semicolons or hyphens. My only saving grace is I still want to learn these skills.
Some of the most essential elements of style are those that deal with commas. How to use a comma and where to place one can be quite confusing at times. With Strunk and White’s chapter 1 on Elementary Rules of Usage, they go into detail with examples for writers to better understand the usage of commas.
The problem with autocorrect technology is that, spell check can misspell a word by automatically changing the intended word, leading to spelling a completely different word. This can cause miscommunication due to misspelled words and incorrect usage of grammar. For instance, if a person types “there” in place of “their,” spell check will not recognize it as a misspelled word, even though it could still be the incorrect word. It might also highlight a word as misspelled only because it does not identify it.
As a student, I feel that I have many writing weaknesses. I know that on my own, and because teachers have told me so. Some of the complications I face with writing is not using enough body paragraphs, forgetting a thesis statement, lack of word choice, punctuation errors, and etc. I am unaware at times of my mistakes, but I always try to correct them.
Similarity is described as the tendency to group similar items. Similarity is much like stereotyping. Stereotyping is when someone judges another person on the perception of the group to which that person belongs.
Grammar and punctuation is another importance in academic writing. Having inappropriate punctuation, grammar and spelling will cause other staff nurses to have a difficult time to analyse your notes and documents. Proper punc...
A College has a large number of learning skills that can be used for success of each student. As an A student, I am familiar with using A’s educational resources. A few of the resources are extremely handy and adaptable in the application that a student needs. One of the resource tools that I have found most beneficial in my learning process is the A Center for Writing Excellence (CWE). The Center for Writing Excellence offers a plagiarism and grammar checker. Here, I can submit my writing materials to have them checked for plagiarism and grammar errors. I also used the grammar guide frequently. I believe that one of my biggest faults in writing is grammatical errors. The Center for Writing Excellence also offers example papers, essay development, tutorials guides and writing manuals. There are also other resources such as, Axcess Course Materials, Course Syllabus, Student Workshops, and Visual and Audio Tutorials. These tools can be found at ecampus for A College.
As I received essay 3 back, I realized I had the same mistakes from all my previous papers. I have a habit of missing words in my sentences. Usually when I write papers, I spend hours typing away at the computer screen. My words run into each other and everything made sense to me. The teacher suggested I read my papers out loud and that’s what I plan to do in the future. I also think time management contributes to this problem. In the future, I plan to manage my time more wisely so I can have time to come back to my essays and revise them. Hopefully my writing mistakes will diminish if I stick to this