Piggy Characteristics

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Piggy was the character who showed the most effective leadership qualities in the novel The Lord of the Flies by William Golding. With unflattering physical features/conditions and little to no social skills, Piggy might not seem like the best choice for a leader, but when it comes to leadership, intelligence should be the most important factor. Besides being knowledgeable, Piggy shows a couple of other characteristics that a leader should possess. Throughout the entirety of the novel, the underappreciated boy proves that he has endurance and even courage during certain events that happen.
A person can be seen as intelligent because of many different things. For example, Piggy is intelligent because he knows what is important and what is not important. Piggy understands what sort of situation that him and the rest of the boys are in. He understands that they, the boys on the island, need to have a leader, that they need to have a list of names, and that they need to have a fire if they have any sort of chance at getting rescued. Piggy is the person who brought up the subject of how the boys on the island needed to make a list of everyone there. When the boys on the island recklessly start the first fire on the mountaintop, Piggy is the one to tell them how foolish they had been for …show more content…

There were many times in the book when Piggy was fearful, but that does not take away the times Piggy actually stood up for himself. Mostly, and for good reason, Piggy stood up against Jack. While Piggy is afraid of Jack, he does not always reveal this fear, instead deciding to defend himself and try to make the other boys listen to him. When Jack takes Piggy’s glasses, it is Piggy himself who wants to go to Jack’s fort and get his glasses back. Piggy is smart enough to know that Jack does not like him, and most likely wants him dead. To willingly go to an enemy’s fortress in an attempt to keep peace is an act of courage that not just anybody could pull

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