Pigeons At Daybreak

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Pigeons at Daybreak is a unique little story that focuses on characterization as opposed to a major narrative arch. The story’s main plot centers on a poor Indian couple managing a humid day and a sultry evening. From that simple thread that occurs over a single day, tangents at various points fill in the gaps to help explain this elderly couple’s struggles and triumphs. A few flashbacks occur to bring some humanity to Mr. Basu’s stubborn and cold personality. While dealing with the “agony” of his illness, a letter from his son causes him to become “calmer” and “[he] was able to eat” (519). Later, he recalls watching the titular pigeons with his grandson “holding onto his . . . thumb” (521); it serves as a heartwarming image in an otherwise crotchy man. As the story only covers a single day, these brief glimpses into his past open him up more to the reader and show the importance that family has on Mr. Basu; if only his wife received the same treatment from him. Narrative profluence comes initially with references to food. In the first paragraph, we assume it to be morning since she prepares his “lunch” (516). Later there’s a reference to his “afternoon tea” that she brings him (520). When the electricity goes out, it’s been established by …show more content…

Despite the beauty in that reversal, there isn’t that much change that occurs in either of them. The story takes place over nearly twenty-four hours, and unfortunately it would seem that it could start right where it begin as that cycle just continues on and on. Considering the story’s title and ending, the reader can only hope that this moment where things don’t seem so bad serves as the beginning of something

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