Pig Observation Report

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“What are you doing? Why are you doing that?”, these questions come from anyone and everyone who doesn’t know about showing livestock or from someone who's new to showing. If I am being totally honest I love being asked these types of questions! I don’t care if it's about why I feed my goats separate, or why they are clipped. I truly enjoy talking to the public and explaining why things happen for a certain way. When I was six years old my older brother Ty got his first show pigs. At our first county fair I would walk around the barn and just look at all the pigs. I didn’t know anything about pigs, but I wanted to learn. One day I saw an older girl feeding her pigs and I had a question. So I slowly built up my courage and finally I asked …show more content…

The goats need their hair cut short so the look fresher to the judge and it's a rule at most fairs that the goats be shave a certain length. So whenever their hair is super short they can easy get sunburned just like a guy's head once it's been shaved. In order to keep the goats from getting sun burnt we put little coats to protect them just like how guys where hats. Finally once I explain to someone all things I do for my livestock they just say, “Wow! Why do you do it?” I just simply tell them the truth that raising livestock is my passion, it's what I see in my future. I honestly believe that without showing I wouldn't be the person that I am today. A person can gain so much from participating in any agricultural project. I have learn hard work, dedication, patience, perseverance and may others. As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon for changing the world”. Living in this day and age where people are so out of touch with where their food actually comes from is leaving a gap in knowledge about agriculture. I know I am just one person but if I can just educate others on how things in the

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