Pick n Pay Case Study: King Code Adherence

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Pick n Pay Case Study: King Code Adherence Table of Contents Literature Review 2 Article One 2 Article Two 2 Article Three 3 Article Four 3 Additional source 4 Processing of Findings 5 Conclusion 9 Reference List 10 Appendix Articles Plagiarism check Certificate of authenticity Task Brief Literature Review Article One Richard van Rensburg; 1/08/2012; Global Compact: Communication on Progress; http://www.unglobalcompact.org/system/attachments/18984/original/PnP_COP_1August2012.docx?1353347159; 26/05/2014 This article explains that Pick n Pay sees the importance of the socio-economic factors that are facing companies in the world and states how it attends to these various demands. Whether it is in the form of cutting down on expenses to accommodate the increasing prices of electricity or fuel in the country so it does not intervene with their profit margins, or the upliftment of customers by offering the best possible prices. They also do great things to aid the environment and minimise their carbon footprint. It also sets further goals that Pick n Pay aims to achieve over the next few years. It then provides a summary of the activities that Pick n Pay takes part in according to the Global Compact Ten Principles. This ranges from the protection of human rights, the regulating of labour, the discrimination of employees, the stopping of corruption and also the aiding of environmental aid and responsibility. Article Two Nick Badminton; 2011; PICK N PAY Global Compact: Communication on Progress; Pick n Pay Website; http://www.unglobalcompact.org/system/attachments/10512/original/PicknPay_2011_Communication_on_Progress.pdf?1306730343; 26/05/2014 This article states that Pick n Pay... ... middle of paper ... ...Progress; Pick n Pay Website; http://www.unglobalcompact.org/system/attachments/10512/original/PicknPay_2011_Communication_on_Progress.pdf?1306730343; 26/05/2014 o Richard van Rensburg; 1/08/2012; Global Compact: Communication on Progress; Pick n Pay Website; http://www.unglobalcompact.org/system/attachments/18984/original/PnP_COP_1August2012.docx?1353347159; 26/05/2014 o Debra Muller; May 2013; Integrated Annual Report 2013; Pick n Pay Website http://www.sharedata.co.za/Data/000686/pdfs/PICKNPAY_ar_feb13.pdf; 26/05/2014 o Russel Y., Topper S., Akerman L., Oliveira J., Strydom Z.; 2013; Studying Business NSC Business Studies Grade 12; 2013 Edition; Paardekraal; Excom Publishers; 26/05/2014 o Article given on task brief (included in the appendix) Sibonelo Radebe; 16/04/2014; Pick n Pay reports it’s back on recovery path; The New Age; 23/05/2014

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