Science: This project relates to science because the piano key model that we built exhibits how pianos make notes. In an acoustic piano, there is a “lever”. On one side, there is they key; on the other side, there is the hammer. When the key is pushed down, the hammer on other side of the lever is raised up and hits a taut string. The action of the hammer hitting the string causes it to vibrate, creating a note. After the key is let go, there is a damper that immediately stops the vibrations, cutting off the sound. Our model demonstrates this giving us the chance to see how the hammer would hit the string in the piano and create vibrations.
Math: Our project relates to math because when we read music to play an instrument, in this case a piano, we need to know math. When playing notes,
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In order to construct our piano key model, we used the design/engineering process. We first researched about how the piano key functions. After brainstorming ideas of how to build it, we designed our piano key model. We constructed the model and tested its accuracy. When the hammer didn’t hit the string, we figured out an alternative way to make it work. From this experience, we eventually improved it. We came up with our final project by using the design process which created a model that shows how piano keys work.
The definition of art is,”the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power,” (Google). Music is a beautiful expression of emotions, using creative skill. There are many things that can be considered as art. Our project relates to art because music is a form of art. The piano, which we made our project on, is a musical instrument that plays music. Every key that we press on a piano makes a note. When put together, those notes form music.
How this projects has influenced our understanding of the
Boy Willie is the protagonist in the play The Piano Lesson, which is written by August Wilson. He is a foil character to his sister Berniece. He wants to sell the family piano. His biggest obstacle is his past, and his sister. Berniece wants to salvage the piano and keep it as a namesake. The quarrels revolving around legacies is the central conflict of the play. Boy Willie’s “Super-objective” contains two parts: fear and legacy resulting in memory.
Batrolomeo Cristofori brings the piano into the musical arena around 1709 in Florence, Italy. One of Cristoforis previous instruments, the harpsichord, actually brought about the idea of the piano. Cristofori wanted to develop a more dynamic instrument, because the harpsichord had such a small dynamic range. His answer to that problem was the ‘gravicembali col piano e forte,’ which meant harpsichord with soft and loud. This long name was shortened to pianoforte, and then eventually forte was dropped, and now these modern instruments are known as pianos. As the keeper of instruments in Prince Ferdinand’s court in Florence, Cristofori reinvented the harpsichord into the piano. The actual date that he created the piano is unknown, but
If I were to ask you what is art, and how can one find it? What would you say? Well if it were me being asked those question, I would simply say that art to me is a form of a picture; a visual painting or model of some design and it could be found all among us. You may define it differently only because art could be defined in many ways. I could simply say that art to me is a form of a picture; a visual painting or model of some design. Well according to an article written by Shelley Esaak, an art history expert she mentioned that art has a way of stimulating different parts of our brains to make us laugh or incite us to riot, with a whole gamut of emotions in between. She also mentioned that art gives us a way to be creative and express ourselves. [1]
Oxford’s dictionary defines music: as vocal or instrumental sounds or both, combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. Music, as a form of expression and communication, comes in many forms and styles: classical, folk, country, rock, and electronic
Next we come to a point in time where a great leap had to be made. Musicians had made positive steps forward in the way of pitch and time but of only one or two notes at a time. What was needed was an in instrument that gave players control of many pitches simultaneously. The mechanism ...
Over an extensive amount of time, the piano has developed into what we commonly see today. Through the improvement in the production of dynamics and the development of the pedals, it has become a popular instrument that is used for a variety of genres apart from classical music, such as jazz and contemporary. There are a variety of models available, such as the grand piano, where the harpsichord and forte piano originated from, as well as the upright piano.
“Sometimes I can only groan, and suffer, and pour out my despair at the piano!” a quote from Frederic Chopin. Similar to Chopin, a copius amount of musicians utilized their instruments of choice in order to express their emotions or feelings. During the Baroque Period both the clavichord and the harpsichord reigned as the most popular keyboard instrument of choice. However, by the end of the Baroque Period the piano had replaced both keyboards as being the most popular and widely used (Verotta). The piano has been derived from the harpsichord and the clavichord which had evolved continuously through the combined effort of keyboard makers.
Music is an art that combines vocal and instrumental sounds to produce something that gives different emotions to the listeners. Music can make a person sad, happy and romantic at the same time. Playing an instrument is also a music, not only singing a song. I had this misunderstanding that music has the song and the musical instrument included in it. But I realized that musical instruments have more importance and beauty than a song including in it.
According to, music is “an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, and color.” Music is the product of sound waves coming from anything making a melodic tone. There are different genera’s of music, ranging from rock to pop to classical. Each person likes different genera’s of music.
Bie, Oscar. A History of the Pianoforte and Pianoforte Players. trans. by E. E. Kellett
... middle of paper ... ... References Fletcher, N., Martin, D. and Smith, J. (2008) Musical instruments, in AccessScience, McGraw-Hill Companies, Retrieved November 25, 2011 from Henderson, T. (2011). The 'Standard'.
What does music mean to you? Music is something that has been around for many years. It started out as just some drums and a few instruments, but has changed a lot over time. The dictionary defines music as “an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.” When I think of music I think of it has a story combined with instrumental sounds. Over the years, it has changed so much, some for the good and the bad. There are many different types of music and different emotions it will bring.
Now this leads us to understand what exactly, is art. studies all the typical “arts”. This includes music, literature, theatre, dance, film, as well as painting, sculpture, and architecture. This directs the student towards a very broad field. For example, architecture may involve the Sistine Chapel, considered one of the world’s most loved works of art. However, it may also include the landscaping in a small town square. So then, art is defined as something that deals with both the “useful” and “fine” arts, insofar as they appeal to aesthetic taste, or as long as they are created with the specific intent to cause a reaction, whether it be positive or negative.
“An art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color” is music defined by This definition is for the most part is accurate, from a superficial standpoint, although it does not capture the importance of music as music is vital in the rehabilitation and development of others. For instance, music is a tool that can be very effective if used properly. Take small school children for example. More often than not, they are taught songs that are intended to help them remember important information Even if the child is unable to recount the lyrics of the song, they will most likely be able to hum the tune and recount the information. Music not only assists children, it also adequately aids adults. This is the case with the classical music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as it has been known to entice learning. Most people in our western society predominantly use the left sides of the brain but the music of Mozart causes both sides of the brain to work toge...
So to answer the question you need to think what is art? To me art is a form of representing a person’s ideas which can be in any form of media whether it be a painting, a film, or a song, a novel or a photograph. For it to be classed as art though it must provoke emotion or thought and show signs of creativity.