Physical Therapy Research Paper

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The first day that I met Izzy (name used with consent) I noticed a huge smile, a cheerful laugh and a big personality; the wheelchair immediately faded into the background. Izzy has become a large part of my life as I have seen her mature while watching her disease progress. I have learned that behind the smile there are many details that have allowed her to live at home, to go to school and to develop her indepe­ndence. These details are tailored to her individual needs and originate from her team that includes Izzy, her family and her healthcare workers. One of her healthcare workers, an occupa­tional therapist, is my aunt who works in the school system and supports school age children/ teens with physical and/ or mental disabi­lities to succeed in school. I was introduced to Izzy when she was starting school and over the years I have seen the enormous impact that occupa­tional therapy has made for Izzy, her family and her school community. Her occupa­tional therapist made a pencil grip so that Izzy could write and then provided computer access through a keyboard and then a voice activated system. …show more content…

The study of both normal and abnormal development of the human body has reinforced my unders­tanding of the importance of healthy living and the value of preventive medicine which are both pertinent to the practice of occupa­tional therapy. Currently, I am pursuing an underg­raduate degree in psychology where I am learning about human behaviour and mental processes, development of the brain, and treatment for mental disabi­lities. My goal is to more fully understand both the physical and mental aspects of human development and disease. As an occupa­tional therapist I will apply my existing and newly acquired knowledge, experience and passion to enable clients to live full and rewarding

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