An occupational therapist is a trained and licensed health care professional who can make a complete evaluation of the impact of disease on the activities of the patient at home and in work situations. Hobbies and recreational activities are considered when an assessment is made. The most generally accepted definition of occupational therapy is that it is an activity, physical or mental, that aids in a patient’s recovery from disease or injury.
The Occupational therapist takes a history from the patient by conducting a thorough interview. Questions are asked about hygiene, eating, dressing, getting in and out of bed, driving, cleaning, working and the patients sex life. A physical examination is conducted extensively concentrating on range of motion. Observations of deformities are noted because they may hinder the performance of the patient. The therapist assesses the need for splints or supports which might benefit the patient and helps design specific assistive devices.
“It is the job of the occupational therapist to innovate plans to overcome the imposed limitations while helping the patient reduce strain and prevent further damage by teaching techniques that conserve energy” (Sasser 75). There are numerous ways to make daily living easier. The most crucial part of therapy is assessing the patient’s environment. All the people, cultural conditions and physical objects that are around them, create their environment. The behavior and development of people is a direct result of the interaction between them and their surroundings. A patient’s behavior is greatly effected when they are mismatched with their environment. “A persons environment match is present when the persons level of competence matches the demands of the environment” (Cole 75). Full participation by the patient is required to make it practicable. The importance of occupational therapy is to help the patient use what they have to the fullest. Therapists know that in this particular field there will not be a dramatic improvement, but there will be a better quality of life lived by the patient.
In today’s world, it is extremely important to keep accurate records on all aspects of care giving. According to Sladyk, “Documentation is one of the most important duties an occupational therapist can have aside from treating the patient” (1...
... middle of paper ..., organizing, analyzing, generating, integrating and evaluating. It is essential that as occupational therapy students we become self-determining, independent thinkers. Technical writing skills will be used throughout our career. Mastering technical writing will come with practice and will prove to be one of the most instrumental elements we have learned in our curriculum.
Works Cited
Aquaviva, J.D. Effective Documentation for Occupational Therapy. Bethesda, MD: American
Occupational Therapy Association, 1992.
Early, M.B. Mental Health Concepts and Techniques for the Occupational Therapist Assistant.
2nd ed. New York, NY: Raven Press, 1993.
Markell, Mike. Technical Communication: Situations and Strategies. 5th ed. Boston, MA:
Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, 1998.
Okeema, Kathleen. Cognition and Perception in Occupational Therapy. Gaithsburg, MD:
Aspen Publishing, 1993.
Reed, K.L. Quick Reference to Occupational Therapy. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen
Publications, 1991.
Sasser, Martha. The Practice of Occupational Therapy. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby-
Year Book, Inc, 1998.
Sladyk, Karen. OT Student Primer: A Guide to College Success. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK
Incorporated, 1997.
The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework defines an occupational profile as “the initial step in the evaluation process that provides an understanding of the client’s occupational history and experience, patterns of daily living, interests, values, and needs (2014).” During this process the client’s problems and concerns about daily occupations are identified then the client’s main concerns are determined (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014). Occupational Therapists strive to be holistic and client-centered, and the occupational profile is one method to ensure treatment takes on these characteristics. During the occupational profile the clients share their priorities based on what is important to them, and the therapist
Though occupation usually refers to a job, a person’s occupation is initially determined by what their everyday life consists of. When a person becomes incapable of performing the tasks that they are expected to do in their everyday life due to developmental delays, physical injury, or psychological problems they are often referred to an occupational therapist. Occupational therapists, or OTs, usually have occupational therapy assistants, often called OTAs. The OT gives the OTA a set of objectives to help the patient achieve. Since people go through numerous occupations during the course of their lives, OT’s and OTA’s prov...
Sacket et al, cited in, Duncan, E,A,S, (2006) Foundtions for practice in Occupational Therapy, 4th edition, Elsevier Ltd.
Evaluating Process: First, it is important to review R’s occupational profile for progress from the start of occupational therapy. This is done to determine which assessment fits the needs of R and to ensure that the services rendered fits the client's purpose and goal. Some of the information gathered will include: client's occupational history, ADL patterns, needs and goals, environmental issues, and what the client’s limitations. It is important to evaluate the client’s progress to help facilitate the services that the new occupational therapist will continue. In addition, the client's concerns and interests are assessed in a welcome and open interview to attain additional information that R's family may
Change is something that human have to face often, yet it is still very hard for us to adapt to it. We can, in turn, agree that change is not easy (Jacobs 2002). Occupational therapy has been thought a lot of changes which give rise to new treatment methods, new approaches and a better to communicate with the patients. Below is an analysis of the changes that have been made in the occupational therapy field and their outcomes.
Within the occupational therapy context, occupations are the individual acts and behaviours of a person of which give purpose and pleasure to their lives (WFOT, 2016). This could be as simplistic as bathing oneself or gaining independent mobility. Occupational therapists, most commonly known by the OT acronym, aim to achieve this through the modification, instillation and application of devices or the activity itself. If a client who had sustained an eye disability had a priority to maintain their own hygiene. An OT would assess the client’s bathroom, possibly install speciality marked body wash bottles or railing and introduce said client to the modifications. Not only does this provide physical therapy to manage an infirmity it supports the client emotionally by restoring
This article discusses the basic understanding of what occupational therapy is and what it the Occupation is defined as “activites of everyday life, names, organized and given meaning by individuals and a culture” (Association, 2006). This article also discusses the historical aspects of occupational therapy. Occupational therapy was founded by many different professionals with different backgrounds, that came together to share the same idea about how occupational therapy should be and the importance of activites for a person. This article also talks about different types of services that occupational therapy offers. Occupational therapists and assistances can work in many different settings.
This essay will first introduce the history of the Occupational Therapy profession and the different theories that guide the practises of Occupational Therapists. The essay will then go onto explain certain terms used within the Occupational Therapy profession and how they relate to occupation, health and well-being; as well as the importance of occupation in the occupational therapy profession and how occupation relates to health and well-being.
...e-based knowledge to inform the therapy practice. It also assists with furthering the therapist’s knowledge of humans as occupational beings as well as the relationship between occupation and health.(Yexer ,1993) introduced occupational science as a fundamental science supporting occupational therapy, with an aim to refocus the provision of therapy back to occupation. Hence, occupational science provides the therapists with support, justifies the meaning and uniqueness of the profession and distinguishes occupational therapy from other professions. In addition (Wilcock, 2001), also emphasises that occupational science might be another way to avoid the possible failure of the occupational therapy as a practice. With a strong research background, occupational therapists could make a contribution to medical science, which may challenge it from a different standpoint.
Occupational therapy was based off of psychology; we evolved from treating mentally ill patients with isolation as an efficient treatment plan. We must never forget we are known to be “the art and science of helping people do the day-to-day activities that are important and meaningful to their health and well being through engagement in valued occupations” (Crepeau, Cohn, & Schell, 2008). To other professional disciplines this article explains the difference between each of us, yet can also express our relation to one another. The basic goal of all therapeutic disciplines is to better our clients life, through physical, speech or occupational therapy. Every discipline targets different goals, may it be body mechanics, reducing a stutter or buttoning a shirt, at the end of the day our clients well being may it be through science, art or both is all that matters. To the occupational therapy field this article means progress for what we do. Reading this article today in the year 2015 did not seem like old information to me, it is still relevant, I am proud that our field is not only evolving with contemporary time but it is also maintaining its
A., de Rijk, A., Van Hoof, E., & Donceel, P. 2011). The therapist has to assess the patient to see if they have a need for splints or supports which may benefit the patient and then step in to help design the specific assistive devices needed. It is the job of the occupational therapist to come up with plans to overcome the inconvenient limitations while still helping the patient to reduce strain and prevent further damage by teaching them techniques that will conserve their energy. There are a variety of different ways to make daily living much easier. The most crucial part of therapy is assessing the patient's environment. All the people, cultural conditions and physical objects that are around them, create their environment. The behavior and development of people is a direct result of the interaction between them and their surroundings. A patient's behavior is greatly affected when they are mismatched with their environment. A person's environment match is present when the person's level of competence matches the demands of the environment. Full participation by the patient is required to make it practicable. “The science and practice of occupational therapy are well suited to develop, refine, and test approaches to translate therapeutic gains into
Occupational therapy made its first appearance in a modern-day setting during the 18th century; however, occupational therapy dates back to 100 BC. The United States medical system adopted occupational therapy in the 19th century. In 1910, occupational therapy became a realized profession. Then, the main focus was working with individuals to get them to a fully functional state. Around 1930, standards of practice were developed for occupational therapists (OT’s). The career continues to evolve and change as new illnesses and disabilities arise. Even with all the changes, the main focus remains intact: helping people.
Occupational therapy (OT) theory offers valuable contribution to support professionalization since possessing a unique body of knowledge is essential to define a profession (Cooper, 2012). To utilize theory effectively, it is essential to differentiate between generic and specific theory as knowledge of the core theory helps to form OT identity and action as a practicing practitioner. In this essay, OT theory refers only to philosophy and OT specific models. Frame of references (FOR) will not be included since it can be shared with the other professions (Boniface & Seymour, 2012).
Occupational therapy is the therapeutic use of occupations, including activities of everyday life. Occupational therapists work with individuals and populations to support participation and function activities and situations at home, school and the community. Occupational therapy provides rehabilitation as well as the promotion of health and wellness for patients who have or are at risk of having disabilities and impairments. Occupational therapists address physical, cognitive, psychosocial, sensory-perceptual, and other aspects of performance in a variety of contexts and environments to support engagement in occupations that affect physical and mental health, well-being, and quality of life (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014).
OTs will be able to recognize the symptoms of the illness or disability and how they affect an individuals' occupation (Muir, 2012). Physicians typically diagnose the client and provide medications or refer them elsewhere for treatment (Muir, 2012). Instead of prescribing medications and referring the client, an OT will be able to assist the physician and define what is meaningful to the client in the initial assessment. Later the OT will be able to work with the client to create goals and work to accomplish the goals made. Occupational Therapist knows how to interact with clients to understand what is meaningful to them.