Pharmacy Technician

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What is customer service and how does it connect to the soft skills needed to be a pharmacy technician? The topic of customer service has been covered extensively the past couple of weeks, and my perception of it now is extremely different than my perception of it when i started this course. Not only will i talk about my newfound knowledge of customer service in this paper and one the soft skills required to be the best employee possible, but i will also talk about how these two things relate to having the job of being a pharmacy technician. When i started here i thought that customer service was purely an employee doing their best to satisfy a customers needs and wants. Now that i am a little over half way through this part of my schooling, i have come to realize that customer service is so much more than just providing the service nesseccary to move the customer along. Communication, building rapport, and giving feedback are just a few of the things that have changed the way i see customer service forever. It is imperrative that you communicate thorough eye contact, body language and vocal …show more content…

It is also a very important thing to have in your career, it enhances the businesses reputation and creates loyal customers. Trust keeps customers coming back, this is why it is imprtant to have integrity because it helps build a relationship based on trust. Most customers would rather pay more money to a business with great ethics than save money going to a business that is untrustworthy. This same concept can be applied to the relationship with superiors and their employees, when an employee feels that they can trust their superior it makes for a much harmonized work place. Having integrity and honesty means that you will lose things from customers to employees but in the end it is worth it. Integrity is very closely linked to trust and it is a very imortant aspect of leadership and

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