Pharmacist Interview Research Paper

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At the start of this, it was hard to narrow it down to interviewing one person. I had forgotten that I was allowed to give them a survey as well. I decided to interview the person I knew was farthest along in the Major. Her name is Maria (I changed her name due to confidentiality reasons). Maria is a third year student in the pharmacy program. “I’ve been going to school for 7 years. I’m pretty tired of class, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to quit!” I found this interesting because 7 years is a long time to be going to school. At first, I was confused because if you choose to do pharmacy your first year, it is only a 6 year time frame of school. At the end, you receive a PharmD degree. I asked her “Did you have to do your prerequisites in 3 years?” She responded by saying, “At first I wanted to become a lab tech so originally, I got my bachelor’s in Biochemistry. After getting my bachelor’s in biochemistry, I decided that wasn’t something I wanted to do.” After this, she went to a Health occupations fair. There she saw all of the different occupation. “I really don’t like dealing with the general public or gross stuff so I decided to become a pharmacist.” She is an intern at Portneuf Medical Center where she has worked for 3 …show more content…

Pharmacy has retail, hospital, and research branches. In order to do research branches, a bachelor’s in chemistry or biochemistry is needed. Kayla said that she will probably end up in the research branch of pharmacy because she has the credentials to do so. I personally think that I will end up on the hospital branch of pharmacy. I like being able to see what is occurring up close; as well as having my distance. Hospital pharmacy involves seeing patients at their worst moment and being able to give them the right type of medicine to make them better. Maria said “I really like being in a hospital, but something about research just attracts me to it. I like being in a lab and figuring out what to

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