Pharmacist Credentialing Report

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I was opportune to attend the arrowhead meeting at …Duluth on the 29th of January 2016. I met with the Pharmacist by name Dr. Rudolph. He works as a clinical pharmacist at the Hospital. He mentioned how competitive it is to get to where he is now so one may need a residency to work in the hospital.
The issue of credentialing and privileging was one of the things that arise for me on how they play their role in the field of pharmacy and wanted to better understand the differences. Another aspect was peer review, I wanted to know if it’s a good way to evaluate one and what he thinks about the topic.
Dr. Rudolph was able to explain to me that privileging has to do with collaborative of practice agreement. This is where one work with a group of …show more content…

For example, when you pass the NAPLEX, to be a pharmacist that is your credential to be a registered pharmacist. If one wants to be board certified on ICU, which is intensive care unit, one can take a board certification text in that field, that will add extra letters or initials after after one’s name. This basically signifies that one knows the subject mater in that particular subset.
In peer review, I was curious to find out if it is a good measure to evaluate one’s performance. Dr. Rudolph elaborated more on this topic that he thinks that it is not the appropriate way in assessing people. In his opinion the supervisor is the best person to assess his or her co-workers. But in gaining perspective on how other people work or improving oneself, then the peer review should be used. In a situation whereby a peer is reviewing one and it has an effect on salary raise, it may be dicey because you are working with those people but for a supervisor, there is a clear distinction that everyone is different and there is a level difference and he has the authority over one to make a decision. These narrowed down on what peer review is used for in a pharmacy setting and it has to be used in a right way especially for learning experience but if its tied to an incentives it can get a bit

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