Peter the Chanter’s Vito Sodomitico

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Sodom and Gomorrah are mentioned six times is Peter the Chanter poem the same amount of times as Magis is mention, it is likely a coincidence but still important to mention. They are two cities mentioned in genesis that were almost destroyed for their sins. The fact that he mentions them six times Peter the Cantor love for anecdotal stories rather then Leviticus commands. I think Peter wants to emphasis the fact that the people who are sodomites should repent or they will be destroyed as the cities were. The word sodomy, which is, used for male and male relations literally the sin of Sodom. The reason for this is when Lot had the two angels from god staying in his house, men from all areas of the city began to knock on lots door demanding to have sex with the two stranger in Lot’s house. Lot refused and offered up his two daughters instead but the angry crowd refused and kept trying to sleep with the two men (who they didn’t know were angels.)
Elizabeth B Keisler believes that the story of Sodom is an example of Peter the Chanter having rather less then perfect view of God natur...

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