Peter The Great Case Study

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1. What do these decrees reveal about Peter the Great's motives for his reforms? Peter the Great was trying ultimately to make the Russian Empire more Europeanized or Westernized. He wanted to protect and enhance the vulnerable Russian Empire. Peter the Great saw that other European countries are colonizing in other regions like the New World, Asia, and Africa. Peter saw this as a threat and didn’t want for the Europeans to conquer Russia. Through decrees to shave and provisions on dress, he was trying to make them European. He also wanted to make military and economic reforms that could help the empire itself. If they built factories, they didn’t need to get supplies from Europe. 2. What can be learned from these decrees about Russian social relationships and the state of the Russian economy? Through these decrees we see how Russian social class is very stratified and there are more high official roles but more people in poverty. Russia still had to serfs until 1861. Also the state of the Russian economy was probably very limited to do the fact that there was no manufacturing company to provide for the empire. The Russian economy was very isolated and they go to areas where they can trade. With Russia’s subsistence economy, they were not able to specialize in other areas. 3. Why do you think Peter believed it was necessary for Russians to change their dress, shaving habits, and calendar? Peter might have believed it was necessary to change their dress and calendars in order to create relations with Europe. Also by making these reforms, he would have shown himself as an enlightened monarch who has great knowledge of European thinking. Through this “imitation” of Europe, European nations like Italy, France, Germany, and other nat... ... middle of paper ... ... be set at fair prices and therefore successful trading. Also, through commercialization, the Japanese were able to expand on their own lives and embellish their lives more. 4. What perspectives does the source offer concerning the merchant's place in Japanese society, in particular the relationship of merchants to the daimyo and samurai? When a merchant deals with the daimyo, they will need to hear demands from the daimyo because of social ranking and therefore in the longtime their earnings from their deal with the daimyo will hurt the merchant. The daimyos like to deal with the merchants but not vice versa. Merchants were always asked by the daimyos and the daimyos would never pay them back. It is risky behavior. However with the samurai, each party equally gets a good deal because of samurai honor code. Merchants were under the position of daimyo and samurai.

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