Persuasive Speech Outline On Substance Abuse

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Addiction is a complex disease of the brain. It causes an uncontrollable (compulsive) need for a substance. You can be addicted to alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or prescription medicines such as painkillers. Addiction can change the way your brain works. It affects memory, behavior, and how you make decisions.
Without treatment, addiction can get worse. However, with treatment and lifestyle changes, you can recover from addiction.
What types of treatment are available?
The treatment program that is right for you will depend on many factors, including the type of addiction you have. Treatment programs can be outpatient or inpatient. In an outpatient program, you live at home and go to work or school, but you also go to a clinic …show more content…

Are there any alternatives to taking medicine?
Would I benefit from therapy?
How often should I follow up with a health care provider?
Contact a health care provider if:
You feel like you might relapse.
You have stopped taking your medicine.
Get help right away if:
You have serious thoughts about hurting yourself or others.
If you ever feel like you may hurt yourself or others, or have thoughts about taking your own life, get help right away. You can go to your nearest emergency department or call:
Your local emergency services (911 in the U.S.).
A suicide crisis helpline, such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. This is open 24 hours a day.
With treatment and lifestyle changes, it is possible to recover from an addiction to substances like alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or prescription medicines such as painkillers.
You need to find effective ways to manage your stress. Some techniques to cope with stress include exercise, meditation, yoga, and deep breathing.
Let loved ones know that their support is important to help you recover.
Contact your sponsor, therapist, or health care provider to seek additional help if you have any signs that you may

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