Persuasive Speech Outline On Pet Ownership

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Topic: Pet ownership should be for the the entirety of the animal's life; Discard or starvation should not occur when the interests fade.
General Purpose: to inform on the responsibly of pet ownership
Specific Purpose:
Central Idea: Pet’s are a big responsibly, and abandonment or shelter isn't good.

Organizational Pattern: Topical Organizational


Attention Getter: Pretty much anyone with a dog will gush to you about how awesome he is. I mean, what's better than having a furry shadow who thinks you're the greatest thing in the world? So you think, Hey, maybe I should have a dog. Before you run out and get one, make sure you're prepared for the responsibility.

Credibility Statement: Throughout my life, I have always been …show more content…

BODY: (Include two to five main points developed into three levels.)

I. Not everyone that wants a dog is the perfect match to own a little fur ball. A. There are many questions you can ask yourself to see if you are truly fit to own a dog. 1. Are you home enough to care for one? 2. Do you or someone else in your family have sever allergies? 3. Do you actually really puppies becomes full grown dogs? 4. Are you financially ready? 5. Do you realize that cleaning your house will be demanding? 6. Do you think your children are going to do all the work? 7. Are you comfortable with committing to a dog for a decade or longer (Meliker)? B. Pet’s do not simply go away when you do not have time or get tired of them. 1. Feeling overwhelmed by all of the macitence is quite normal, but is not a reason to reject your puppy. It is simply the work that comes with being a pet owner. 2. Strays end up dead, or in the pound on a kill list

Transition: A dog is large responsibly but leaving you fluff ball on the side of the road is worse that the pound.

II. Abandonment is never the way to

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