Persuasive Speech On Vaccination

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Have you ever had something horrible happen to you that you would give anything to go back and prevent? You had the opportunity to keep this awful situation from happening and you choose not to do anything about it. That is the regret thousands of parents face every year when they choose to opt out of vaccinating their children. These regrets are completely avoidable with one simple choice made in a clean, licensed doctor’s office. Sadly, many parents see the potential risks of these drugs as a greater danger to their children than the almost certain consequences of not vaccinating them. Parents don’t realize how much good these vaccines are doing until it’s too late. Vaccines were created with future generations in mind. They were created to eradicate horrible …show more content…

They aren’t meant to harm or ruin a child’s quality of life. We need them in order to keep a peaceful, healthy environment. Vaccines have far fewer potential side effects than the deadly diseases they are created to prevent, therefore they should be mandated for the common good of society. There are many advantages of getting your children vaccinated. The most obvious being that you’re protecting them from potentially deadly diseases. The Center for Disease Control published a list of vaccine-preventable diseases and you would be amazed at how many diseases are on that list. Among the many are: Hepatitis, Encephalitis, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, Polio, Smallpox, Tuberculosis, and countless more. ( All of which are very simple to prevent. Scientists and medical researchers have made strides in medicine over the last few decades. They have developed vaccines and modified them to better suit those being vaccinated. Trial after trial is done before vaccines are even released for vaccine

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