Persuasive Speech On Nature Vs Nurture

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The topic I choose for my persuasive speech is about the debate of Nature vs nurture, that been going on for decades arguing between what determines one’s character traits. I believe a person's upbringing (nurture) determines their character, rather than the person being born with it (nature). What is nurture? Nurture refers to human traits one gets from the environment that they grew up in. Has anyone heard of the phrase "fear of the unknown"? The idea that we are fear of the unknown is true. Human tend to drift to similarity, and avoid the uncommon. Xenophobia (z-no-fo-be-uh) - is the fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign. Xenophobia contributes to why racism still exist. Racism isn’t a belief that is passed down genetically. …show more content…

For those unfamiliar with the theory of social learning, Social learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. Dr. Joy DeGruy explores the topic of social learning in her book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. The book “describes a set of behaviors, beliefs and actions associated with or, related to multi-generational trauma experienced by African Americans”. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome Or PTSS comes from systemic and structural racism and oppression, including lynching, Jim Crow laws, and unwarranted mass incarceration, have resulted in multigenerational maladaptive behaviors. The syndrome continues because children whose parents suffer from PTSS are often indoctrinated into the same behaviors, long after the behaviors have lost their contextual effectiveness, aka social

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