Persuasive Speech On Chlamydia

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As we progress into maturity, we were preached to again and again by our elders of the importance of abstinence.
Well, at least for a moment.
We were informed in middle school and high school of all the damage unprotected sex could cause, so, why didn’t so many of us listen?
This same thing goes for DARE. Does anyone even remember what that stands for?
Drug Abuse Resistance Education

What is it that makes us feel as if we are so invincible, that nothing terrible could possibly happen to us?
The unbreakable truth is we are not invincible; unfortunately, a lot of us had to learn the hard way. Our generation has so many unplanned pregnancies and we have even turned the epidemic into reality shows on TV (Teen Mom, 16 and pregnant).
Personally, …show more content…

A. 'Better Homes & Gardens' magazine created a study in their health column called "STD and Teens; A Reality Check" clarifying the troubling facts of all the distinctive STD's in teenagers.
1) Almost 40 percent of girls between the ages of 15 and 19 are infected with Chlamydia, which is the highest chlamydia infection rate of any age group
2) Of the 12 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that occur each year, 3 million (or 25 percent) are among teenagers, and about 13 percent of youth ages 13 to 19 contract an STD every year
3) Around 15 percent of sexually active teenage girls are positive for HPV, and the masses of those infected have a strain that has been associated with cervical cancer.
B. According to, the quantity of STD's among Americans is unbelievable.
1) One in 4 Americans has an STD. This means that 110 million people in the United States carry an STD and pass it to others.
2) You can’t tell by looking at someone that they have an STD. You may not know you have an STD. Even if you have no signs or symptoms, you can still spread an STD to others. The only way to know for sure is to get …show more content…

Treatment can help if you have HIV or another STD that can’t be cured. Getting treated can help you live a longer, healthier life.

3: Using protection could inhibit apprehension regarding unsuspecting parenthood and STD's.
A. Many of us have gone through anxiety worrying about STDs or pregnancies…. but is unprotected sex worth all the apprehension that comes with it? According to WebMD, worrying can actually harm your physical and mental health, and when it becomes excessive, it can lead to feelings of high anxiety and even cause you to be physically ill.
1) Prolonged worrying affects your day-to-day life so much that it hampers your appetite, routine habits, associations, sleep, and job functioning.
2) Worrying about a current predicament can produce chronic worriers excessive distress and debility.

1. Executing sex education in all aspects in every school, including colleges and universities
2. Self-education: become attentive of what you can do to prevent STDs and unplanned pregnancies by visiting the doctor with your loved

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