Persuasive Letter About Hiv Aids

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Dear, Mr. Wooten: I, Enrique Mentado Sosa, am a freshman enrolled in the Honors College at the West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Your novel, We Are All The Same, is an amazing work of literature that has touched me and the majority, if not all, of the other students enrolled in the Honors College. Your detailed explanations of how HIV/AIDS devastated Nkosi's South Africa; and the manner in which you describe how the disease affects an infected person's body are both saddening and inspiring. I am majoring in Microbiology not only because I find science to be fascinating, but also because of the incredible contributions that Microbiologists have made in medicine. I too believe that 'we are all the same', and that all people deserve to be helped whenever in need, which is the reason why one of my passions is community service, a passion that will surely be strengthened through the West Chester University Honors College. With the help of your novel, I was able to augment my understanding of HIV/AIDS, as well as the true meaning of leadership, and for that I thank you. …show more content…

I had only really known the scientific details of the disease such as that the virus affects a human's immune system by progressively ridding one's body of a certain kind of white blood cell. That was all that AIDS was to me- an autoimmune disease. Your novel allowed me to put a face to the disease, and informed me of the other physical affects that AIDS has on the body. Nkosi's constant diarrhea, his unavoidable lethargy, and his drastic weight loss are all details that helped reinforce my understanding of the physical affects of AIDS. Furthermore, not only did your novel help reinforce my understanding of the autoimmune disease, but it also touched me emotionally, and has inspired me

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