Persuasive Essay: Why Prom Should Be Paid

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Roughly 330 school lunches at GHS, 250 Big Macs, or 4 Apple Watches are all things you can buy for a thousand dollars, yet many teenagers choose to spend it on their high school prom.
High schoolers, and mostly their parents, are spending ridiculous amounts of money to go to prom.
For high schoolers, prom is a rite of passage, it is supposed to be one of the most memorable nights of high school. However, in recent years, it has become another financial burden families have to bear.
When it comes to prom, many parents and students seem to have an ignorance for money. And yes, life is not all about money and you make money to spend it, but to spend a thousand dollars on one night, not even twelve hours, seems excessive. A fun prom should not put students, who are about to pay for college, in debt (Angulo). During the 2015 prom season, Visa conducted with three thousand people nationwide, and concluded families in the Northeast were expecting to spend the most, around one thousand one hundred and sixty nine dollars on prom expenses.
Girls could easily spend over five hundred dollars on the dress alone and still have another five hundred in expenses. Not only is the dress costly for girls, but guys are expected to make a grand gesture, a promposal, …show more content…

You worry about being asked, you have to finance it, and you just want the stars to align perfectly on this special night. High school teen Brianna Albert recalls from her prom, “In order to get the dress [girls] want before their classmates do, many girls begin shopping for dresses months before prom (Kasperkevic). In a big high school like GHS is seems extreme to go to these lengths with class sizes of around five hundred, yet I'm guessing it still happens. Students should not have to be stressed to enjoy one of the last nights they will be together with friends they have had since freshman

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