Persuasive Essay: Why Do We Dream?

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Dreams? I know it’s just a simple 6-letter word, but this 6-letter word has a deep meaning. That’s also the reason why I found this topic really interesting, simple. Our emotions, our thoughts , and any of the images are included in our dreams. Sometimes there’s a time that our dreams are so vague to the point that we can’t see the person we’re dreaming, but sometimes it’s so vivid that we can’t forget it easily. The question “why do we dream?” is very easy to ask but very difficult to answer. Maybe because until now even though many theories had passed, we still don’t know why we dream.Some researchers propose that dreams really don’t have a purpose, but some believes it is necessary to person’s mental, physical and emotional interest. Dreams linked on how we form memories and typically reflect our dreams. …show more content…

Our dreams mostly occur during REM or rapid-eye movement, it is when a person’s eyes becomes in a jerky motion. Also during rapid-eye movement, our most vivid and mesmerizing dream occurs.Some thinks that it's just the brain turning down for the night and that dreams are random and meaningless firings of the brain that we don't have when we're awake. But the truth is, as long as the brain remains such a mystery, we probably won't be able to distinguish the true purpose why we dream. Can we control our dreams? It is possible to control our dreams but it doesn’t mean we will control it everytime, but if we want and practice it we can control it always. Because if you practice your brain that you’re dreaming, you have control and you have endless

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