Dreams Reflect Reality Essay

982 Words2 Pages

Madison Flury

Dreaming is very different than everyday life, yet somehow still relates to it in some way. In everyday life we have stress and happiness along with many other emotions. Yet in someway when we drift off into a deep sleep this emotions come right back. Dalai Lama once said that “sleep is the best meditation.” Sleep may be the one thing that people turn to, a place where your mind is totally set free to do what it wants and think what it wants. An idea or vision that is created in your imagination that when suddenly when you awake, feels so real.Dream reflect reality because most peoples dreams are in fact related to past, and recent experiences, or events that have happened in a person’s life. Dreams are more than just a method of entertainment, They should be taken more seriously because of the fact that with dreams imitating own reality, you can then learn more about yourself.
Dreaming has always been more of a controlled thing. In a way, dreams can determine what he want to eat, what they want to wear, or even who he may be marrying one day. An Australian doctor has found that dreams are not messages from the spirits but dreams are messages from ourselves (Andre-Clark). In most cases dreams do reflect reality, because dreams are communications from yourself rather trying to contact a person through their dreams, and tell them something that may happen in the future. Dreams may or can reflect things that have happened to anyone. Dreams do not say anything about the future nor predict anything. Dreams may comfort someone or help them understand something that has happened to them in the past.
Dreaming is the series of visualizations or feelings during a period of time when you are asleep. It is a form of thinking...

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...ame dreams, there are a set of most common dreams that people have. Many people may have certain dreams that are alike or the same. Some common dream “themes” are someone being chased around, becoming bashful in any situation, failing at almost anything a person can think of, or even something like flying (Trueit). The hippocampus is where short term memories are held, and the cortex holds long term memories. Sometimes the memories that are transferred between the hippocampus to the cortex is switched. Memories are going from the cortex to the hippocampus. If the switch does occur it causes any person to have people who have been long forgotten to pop up in their dreams. Even certain events that have also been forgotten may pop up (Brynie). Even though people swear that their dream is a memory from the past, it may not have anything to do with the actual dream.

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