Cigarette Smoking Why do many people still smoke, yet there is a popular saying that, “cigarette smoking is detrimental to out health”? The issue of cigarette smoking has become notorious and out of control over the years. Many people are opting for a puff yet they are aware that it endangers their lives and the lives of those around them. Cigarette smoking not only affects the smoker, but also, the people around those who smoke. Cigarette smoking is the direct inhalation of hydrocarbon steams that are generated from burning tobacco that is in cigarettes. There are harmful substances that are found in cigarettes, for instance, nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide. Tar causes cancer, carbon monoxide is known to cause shortness of breath in smokers, …show more content…
Many people start smoking in their teenage years due to peer pressure or to be cool as they put it not knowing that it will become addictive (Williams, 2000). Cigarettes contain nicotine which is very addictive and when one starts smoking, it is very hard to stop because of the addiction; therefore, it is important for everyone to shun smoking in order to avoid becoming an addict. Hence, teenagers should be warned about smoking before they become addicted to it in adulthood. Additionally, smoking is expensive, meaning it costs large sums of money to buy cigarettes yearly, plus to cure smoking related diseases. When smoking becomes an addiction, the smokers spend a lot of money buying the cigarettes because they cannot survive a day without the puff. In addition, after they spend a lot of money curing smoking related diseases not knowing that death is knocking on their doors unless they stop smoking. Therefore, it is vital to support the no smoking campaign in order to avoid addiction and to save the money being wasted on buying cigarettes and medications on diseases that are caused by smoking …show more content…
Thousands of people are dying each year because of cigarette smoking; therefore, it is important to learn to avoid smoking at all costs. Everyone is aware that smoking is detrimental to our health because all cigarette packets are labeled with the warning; hence, it is vital to avoid cigarette smoking. We must support the no smoking campaign by educating mostly the youth on the effects of smoking and why it is important for them to never learn or start smoking (Williams, 2000). In addition, those already smoking or addicted to smoking should be warned about the damages of smoking on their health and given a reason to quit. Moreover, there should be a ban of tobacco smoking advertisements and promotions in order to lessen its popularity and this will reduce its
Smoking is a lifestyle, a habit, and a trend. Smoking has become a social activity among teens, connecting them through the craving of a smoke. Smoking is seen as seductive and cool in the media and movies which influences teenagers to smoke even more. The World Health Organization has stated that “Tobacco kills around 6 million people each year. More than 5 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while more than 600,000 are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.” As of April 2016, only 7% of teenagers in the U.S. smoke, but it is said that tobacco use will kill 8 million people annually by 2030. 99% of adult smokers start in their years as teenagers. Smoking is an epidemic that has taken control of people’s lives since 1881 and the media since the early 1900s. Smoking currently kills about 440,000 people a year in the U.S. I feel that it is an issue because it is the #1 most preventable way to die, but people still continue to smoke because of how it looks and how they are perceived as a person if they do. The fact that people become addicted to a trend that will attribute to their death for the sake of being thought of as cooler, is a problem that needs to be addressed.
Every year in Australia, according to Australia’s national Smoking Quit-line 15,000 people die from smoking. This number included, mothers, brothers, sisters, fathers, husbands and wives, which leaves a lot of irreplaceable vacancies in families across Australia. These losses could have all been avoided if smoking was banned in Australia. Which us to my point; I believe that smoking should be made illegal across the whole of Australia. Not only does smoking have a detrimental impact on our already fragile environment but the overall cost of cigarettes also has a negative impact on households. Smoking also tears apart our priceless families, as the impact of this nasty habit can be fatal.
Many actions have been taken on vaping and cigarettes, such as only allowing people over or at the age of eighteen to buy the product and putting warning labels on products. The serious issue is there needs to be action applied to the fact that these products can kill a human being. There is a wide variety of policies trying to be passed for vaping and cigarettes. A vaping regulation is trying to pass making all vape companies to carry products similar to products back when vaping firs started. This could cause the vaping market crash, making people lose money, and most important jobs. Some actions should be taken on tobacco products because of the risk of getting cancer in it is high.
Every year cigarette smoking is responsible for 500,000 premature deaths (Nugel), you do not want to be just another statistic, do you? America’s first cash crop was tobacco. That means that tobacco has been around for a really long time. It was not until 1865, though, that cigarettes were sold commercially. They were sold to soldiers at the end of the Civil War (Dowshen). From then, cigarettes spread like wildfire, and it was not until 1964 that anyone made a stand about the negative effects of tobacco and cigarettes. People start smoking for all different reasons, some to fit in and some to “escape”. Regardless, it is a horrible habit. 3900 children will try their first cigarette today. Amongst adults who currently smoke, 68% of them began at age 18 or younger, and 85% at 21 or younger (American Lung Association). And of all those people, 70% say if they were given another chance they would never have picked up that first cigarette (Tobacco Free Maine). Smoking is responsible for 1 and 5 deaths in the united states, and is the number one preventable cause of death (NLH). Smoking burns and there is no doubt about that, but before one picks up that cigarette, understand the negative effects on not only oneself, but others affected by ones poor choices, like second-hand smoke. Because of smoking cigarettes, many types of cancer, decrease of life quality, and negative health effects have become all too common in the world today.
Even though smoking cigarettes can lead to death and consider very bad for someone’s health, people all over the world do it every day. No matter how many cautions cigarette companies place on cigarettes packs, people still smoke. There have been a lot of debate about the consequences of smoking cigarettes, as well as many studies have been done, showing the awful results of smoking on people’s physical condition. Despite all the consequences that smoking cigarettes can create on one’s health, people cannot seem to be able to stay away from them. At every gas station, almost everywhere people go, many advertisements try to influence people to smoke and make smoking looks cool. However, the smoke from cigarettes has life threatening chemicals in them which trigger to severe effects on people’s healthiness. Smoking can damage nearly every organ of the body and also causes nearly one of every five deaths in the United States each year.
Smoking cigarettes is a detrimental practice not only to the smoker, but also to everyone around the smoker. According to an article from the American Lung Association, “Health Effects” (n.d.), “Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S., causing over 438,000 deaths per year”. The umbrella term for tobacco use includes the use of cigarettes, cigars, e-cigs and chewing tobacco. While tobacco causes adverse health consequences, it also has been a unifying factor for change in public health. While the tobacco industries targets specific populations, public health specifically targets smokers, possible smokers, and the public to influence cessation, policies and education.
Smoking has became a major issue everywhere in the world. The effects of cigarette smoking can be really terrifying as smoking is dangerous not only to those who smoke but as well as the non-smokers. Tobacco from a cigarette contains nicotine, which is a highly addictive drug that makes it difficult for the smokers to stop smoking. (MentalHelp, 2005). They are not only physically addicted to nicotine but they also link smoking with many social activities which makes it hard to stop (American Lung Association, 2014). Smoking is a habit that causes many health implications that could lead to death (American Lung Association, 2014). Most of the smokers started smoking regularly at a young age even though there are various anti-smoking campaigns being run. (American Lung Association, 2014). Most teenagers start smoking because they are being exposed under friends and family members who smoke. They tend to be curious and say that they just wanted to try it or teenagers started smoking because they thought it was cool to do so (American Cancer Society, 2014). Quitting smoking requires seve...
The target audience of this advertisement is everyone who smokes. The advertisement aims to explain the health and financial consequences of smoking. There is a wide range of ages of those who smoke and this advertisement aims to deter them from smoking. It also targets those who don’t smoke by making them aware of the effects of smoking as
This year alone cigarettes will kill over 420,000 Americans, and many more will suffer from cancers, and circulatory and respiratory system diseases. These horrible illnesses were known to come from cigarettes for years. Recently the Food and Drug Administration declared nicotine, the main chemical in cigarettes, addictive. This explains why smokers continue to use cigarettes even though smokers are aware of the constantly warned about health dangers in cigarettes. Some researchers have also found out that smoking by pregnant women causes the deaths of over 5,000 babies and 115,000 miscarriages. The only way to get rid of the suffering and loss of life by cigarettes is to ban them. . For years cigarettes have been known to cause cancer, emphysema, and other horrible illnesses. The deaths of over 420,000 of Americans this year will be do to cigarettes. With all the other causes of deaths, alcohol, illegal drugs, AIDS, suicide, transportation accidents, fires, and guns, cigarettes still count for more deaths than those do combined. We can’t stand and watch people die because they smoke cigarettes. Thousands of smokers try to rid themselves of cigarettes but can't because of additive nicotine. Nicotine was recently declared addictive by the Food and Drug Administration, which explains why many smokers continue to smoke despite the health warnings on cigarette smoking. Nicotine makes it almost impossible for cigarette smokers to quit smoking because of its addictive nature, and with the cigarette manufacturers putting just enough nicotine in the so they cant be outlawed. The benefits of outlawing cigarettes greatly outnumber the disadvantages, for example, many scientists believe a link between smoking and a shortened life span exists between the two, a ban on cigarettes could increase life spans. Many studies suggest that billions of dollars now spent on smoking related. Smoking related illnesses could be reduced by outlawing cigarettes, families could save money by not purchasing cigarettes, and accidental fires costing millions of dollars caused by cigarettes would stop. Although a complete ban on cigarettes currently remains almost impossible, several organizations recently helped create a bill that could control cigarettes much in the same way the government now controls drugs. One such organization, the Food and Drug Administration, headed by David Kesslar drafted a major part, which would require manufacturers to disclose the 700 chemical additives in cigarettes, reduce the level of harmful chemicals, require cigarette companies to warn of the addictive nicotine, restrict tobacco advertising and promotion, and control the level of nicotine cigarettes contain.
Ninety percent of smokers begin before the age nineteen. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Thirty percent of teenagers that smoke continue to smoke and die early because of it. Studies have also show that the first time tobacco is introduced in one’s life is before graduation. (11 facts about teen smoking) Teen smoking is not only dangerous but is also very deadly. Over thirteen hundred people in the United States die a day because of smoking, so if we can decrease the amount of teen smoking would decrease those numbers dramatically. If we as people would help show those who smoke the cost of how much money they spend just in a month own cigarettes just that could change their mind. Many of the one is who smoke tend to have problems financially. We need to show them that cigarettes cost so much and could increase the amount of money they could have for themselves or for other things that they need at home or for some can help pay for their
One of the biggest problems that people are faced with on a day-to-day basis is cigarette smoke. The sole cause for 480,000 deaths each year just in the United States is accredit to cigarettes(CDC). For a lot of the smokers the habit of smoking happens to assist them when under stress and dealing with issues that are unmanageable. Some smoke to appeal to their peers or simply because it “feels good.” Smoking one cigarette can lead to a major addiction. The effects of smoking hurt oneself and those amongst us. Smoking Kills as the ad portrays this revolver and cigarettes as the bullets, and also lists the side effects of smoking. Cigarettes causes cancer, increases the risk of you getting a stroke, highly addictive and causes a lot of health problems. Nearly 16
Smoking cigarettes is a very deadly addiction that, unfortunately, 42.1 million adults in the United States and 6.4 million children have. The reason why so many people get addicted to cigarettes because of nicotine. says that nicotine is “Made by the tobacco plant or produced synthetically. Nicotine has powerful pharmacologic effects (including increased heart rate, heart stroke volume, and oxygen consumption by the heart muscle), as well as powerful psychodynamic effects (such as euphoria, increased alertness, and a sense of relaxation). Nicotine is also powerfully addictive.”
Today, there has been an increase in the amount of teenagers who smoke half a pack a day of cigarettes. The number of seniors in high school who have tried cigarettes has decreased over the years, but the number of those who smoke occasionally or half a pack or more a day, has increased. There are many factors as to why teenagers smoke including advertising and teen behavior. There are also a few ways we can stop teenagers from wanting to smoke. Therefore, we need to make teens aware that smoking is not good for you and it is not cool and we need to figure out why teens think it is cool. We need to find out why teens smoke and how we can make the
Tobacco and alcohol are two kind of drug are used and abuse in United States. Both of the drugs are legal in United States but that doesn’t a necessary mean that tobacco and alcohol is better for health. More than 500,000 people died from tobacco every year in United States, while more than 75,000 people died from alcohol every year in United States. Minimum age to buy tobacco is 18 year and to buy alcohol is 21. 75% or more people died from tobacco than alcohol but still in United States the tobacco. Both of them tobacco and alcohol drugs are bad for heath and it can lead to death. Lot of people is drive while drinking or smoking, even though it is against the law. Most of them are young people who are between 21 to 25 age year old, they thinking that drinking or smoking while driving is cool but they don’t realizes that it is not good for themselves.
Consequently, tobacco which contains many harmful chemicals damages human beings’ health day by day. Although people are aware of the bad effects of smoking, they still smoke for one reason or another. When the current situation is considered, it is clear that smoking which has been spreading all over the world is not only the problem of a country or a territory but the problem of mankind because smoking brings many disadvantages for humans like diseases. I personally believe that it is important to help children remain lifelong non-smokers because they are our hope for a non-smoking future.