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Positive effects of sports on students academic performance
Impact of sport on education
Positive effects of sports on students academic performance
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Picture this: It’s the League Cross Country meet; the final meet of the year. The hard work has been put in for four long months. It’s time to not just run as fast as possible, but blaze a trail and make a mark! Sports are all about that feeling of achievement and hard work finally paying off. It’s the reaction from friends, family, and the team that produce the accomplishment of success. Sports are meant for the butterflies that develop in your stomach right before the gun goes off. The butterflies don’t symbolize fear; they are a preview of the joy, passion, and exhilaration that is about to blow the other teams away. Sports are an important part of a student athlete because they possess the power to make an individual discover what it means to work with others as a team, produce cohesive time management skills, and develop a strong mental capacity. …show more content…
Being a part of a team teaches student athletes commitment. Having the responsibility of going to practice every single day is not an easy task to undertake, but athletes must do this in order to succeed. Going along with commitment, an athlete must have trust in their teammates. They have to know that they too are committing their time and energy to the sport. With each year in a sport, different people come and go. As a Freshman, one is just learning how to work in a team. By the time they reach their senior year, they are a leader. Being a part of a team allows a student athlete to understand what it means to be a leader. Sports are not fully led by coaches; the students have to be leaders on and off the court. Teamwork isn’t something that ends in sports. It goes all the way through school, college, and a
You already know that being an athlete is hard work and lets not forget living up to others expectations in school. The day of your game you know that you have a big test the next day but also cant let your team and coach down. That means you are a rock stuck in
What is the most popular sport in America? The most popular sport in America would be the rugged game of football. Millions of fans wait in anticipation each year for the season to begin. The truth is the game is a very dangerous sport. It’s rooted with violence and physical aggression. Players are groomed from their youth to get bigger, faster, and stronger. Football is geared toward physical domination, get your opponent before he gets you with tackling, hitting, or by any means necessary, take them out before they take you out. Bones are broken, internal organs rupture, concussions are frequent and occasionally players die. Is the game worth the price? Is a human life worth less than monetary gain or entertainment? The answer
It is considered that football is the most viewed sport in the United States, over 200 million people watch the regular season which consists of 256 games, and about 114 million people watch the Super Bowl alone which is the final game of the season. The National Football League roughly makes over 500 million for a regular season and their players get paid an average of 2.11 million, but that is the NFL.
Wake up in the morning, every morning, before the sun has risen. Hit the gym at five in the morning, before long, head to school, and finally precede back to working out and practicing. This is the exhausting day-to-day life of the majority of college athletes. Athletes that spend countless hours working with the result that they can be the best they can possibly be. At their best they make their school millions and millions of dollars and the maximum they can receive out of it, is a free education. College athletes should receive a stipend to play their sport. There is not much of a difference between keeping a college scholarship and keeping a job in a professional sports team, they bring millions of dollars to their school each year, and
Some schools force students to participate in organized school sports. However, I believe that schools should not make this a requirement. Some students may have medical conditions, family situations that don't allow them to participate in organized school sports, or they simply may not have the time.
Being involved in a school sports team can help students develop skills like teamwork. When Junior made the basketball team, Junior said, “My coach and the other players wanted me to be good. They needed me to be good. They expected me to be good. And so I became good.”(180). Alexie is trying to show that playing a sport and working with a team
Student athletes live very busy lives. A typical school day runs from 8:00-2:30, add in a two- hour practice or game, score a part time job, dive into some family time, a grand slam of homework and catch a little bit of sleep. Students are more stressed due to the many activities they are a part of. This issue affects a lot of people not only in this school district, but most other high schools throughout the country. All student athletes exercise more than other children who are not involved in an extracurricular sport. In school athletics, the players are called “student athletes” meaning that school activities come first. There are strict rules for student athletes, not only on the field but in the classroom as well. In physical education
Once again, after a successful season, Shadle Park was defeated by a Big 9 school in the first game of the regional tournament. This reoccurring event has led many to believe that the four year football program puts GSL students at a disadvantage compared to other districts. A junior high school football program would not only increase the competitiveness of the students but also have more important consequences.
Confucius once said, "he who does not do well is less guilty than he who pushes too hard." People found that competitive sports are often physically straining and it is detrimental to proper emotional development. This blows away the misconception that competitive sports create a healthy and engaging atmosphere for kids. This and an overly strong obsession with winning create a toxic mix for the child’s wellbeing. People have begun to realize the world of competitive may be doing more harm than good for their children. Parents have also begun to notice that competitive sports often injure their children severely and also make the child feel left out, which in turn is detrimental to the child 's emotional health. Therefore, competitive sports
Participating in team sports is important not just for health reasons, but also for your healthy intellects and emotions. Playing sports that is in range of the player’s interest helps relieve stress and maintain their mental health. A team is mostly about unity within the team and with the coach, so no one can be selfish. Therefore playing in team sports develops good characteristics within oneself. Being part of a team sport should help create the opportunity to gain meaningful insight into one's leadership, social and cognitive development. Team sports helps build good character because they teach athletes discipline and how to have good sportsmanship. Chatterjee and Jatta declared that human beings learn and work together in various professional
It's one of the greatest feelings playing on a team because you learn to work with others but also learn from others. You learn how to work with different people and how to come together to be successful. We all have the same dream. It's nice getting to play alongside people verse trying to achieve it all on your own. Like I said we all have a goal and sports have taught me that I need to work for that goal because it won't just be given to me, it needs to be earned. Which has helped me in my life outside side of sports. For example if I want an A on a test than I need to study, because that A won't just be put on my test, I need to take my time and learn all the information. Another example is, when I want a job, It won't just be handed to me, I'll need to do well in my job interview, show the manager all I'm capable of and compete for it against other kids. I've learned from sports that I can't just sit back and wait for something, I need to work for it and go after it the best I
Joshua Mabry PSY-102 4-30-17 Mr. Witherspoon The Mental Side of Sports While many people in the United States and all around the world playing sports such as football, baseball, soccer, basketball or any other sport it is a fun activity and a way to stay fit. Some people though are able to make playing sports a job and make pretty good money off of playing the sport they love, but what is it that makes someone strive to compete and to go for the win? That is where Sports Psychology comes into play.
It 's been outrageous , how many kids get injured per year playing youth sports for school and organizations. The youth who play sports receive plenty medical attention throughout the year due to injuries cause from actions made occuring in games. Health plays a big part in sports because if your are are not healthy many things can go wrong with the body including dehydration, heart problems , and muscle spasm. Playing a sport can be very hard to juggle with school and also getting talked down by coaches and parents. Dehydration is a high possibility because of outside sports that happen in the spring/summer and playing and practicing in humid conditions that you are not well prepared for can be bad and there will be consequences. Parents and
It is unquestionable that lessons of teamwork are learned through involvement with sports. Sports are all about working as a team to reach a common goal- winning games, meets, or matches. As most athletes know, this goal is not possible without becoming one joined team rather than a bunch of individuals. According the newspaper, Courier Mail, “It teaches you to always treat others with respect and not to get too cocky about your own abilities” (Sport a Teacher on the Playing Field of Life). If athletes play the game just to benefit themselves and their personal future, it is impossible to improve as a team overall and achieve success as a whole. Along with treating teammates with respect, it is equally important to be honest with not only fellow teammates but with oneself. Quarterback Kemp also said, “I learned that if...
Competing as an athlete is tough, facing physical and emotional challenges everyday. Pushing your body to the limits to achieve goals as a team and/or personal goals. As an athlete you have a mindset to not give up even if you are injured or tired. We ignore these feelings because we don’t want the coaches or parents to think that we cannot do something or let someone down. Athletes have a stubborn way of thinking that they have to be the best out on the field to be the hero to make the most out of time. To prove skills and show ambition. These are sometimes good qualities, but other times they cannot be so great because that could really injure us in ways we wouldn't want and sometimes could result in long