Persuasive Essay: Should Pitbulls Be Banned?

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Pit bulls are often characterized as dangerous dogs that are capable of seriously injuring people due to their behavior and physical characteristics. Some cities, like Miami, have gone as far as banning the breed entirely. Pit bull owners say the dogs have an unwarranted stigma. There's nothing inherently more dangerous about the pit bull than other dogs. It's that they get a bad rap due to abusive owners who mistreat the dogs. What do you think?

Pit bulls are widely seen as extremely aggressive and dangerous dogs. Critics say today's pit bulls descend from the English bull-baiting dog, which was bred to fight bulls and other large animals for entertainment. Because of this, pit bulls are just naturally more dangerous in terms of their personality and physical ability to cause harm. Just like how herd dogs are more likely to herd than a poodle, it's possible that some dogs are genetically predisposed to being more aggressive. …show more content…

Obviously, training and environment both play a huge role in how a dog acts. Critics say pit bulls are just too high of a risk to have in society. There are no real reasons to own a pit bull beside companionship. Banning the breed would protect humans from unnecessary harm.

Based on my extensive experience, I believe that the risk posed by pit bulls is equivalent to placing a loaded gun with the safety off on the coffee table. In my opinion, these dogs should be banned. I know this is an unpopular stand in some circles, but how many mauled children do we have to see before we realize the folly of allowing these dogs to exist?
The arguments made by advocates of these dogs are the same arguments made by people who feel that assault weapons are an essential part of daily living. There are plenty of breeds available that peacefully coexist with human society. There is no need for pit bulls.

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