Persuasive Essay: Praising Children Gone Too Far

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Praising Children Gone Too Far As children grow into adults, receiving praise is one of the fundamental elements of development however, the amount of praise that they receive has gotten out of control. In the past decade or so, praising the youth for their actions has become an extremely common occurrence. The worst part about it is that they may be receiving praise when they do not deserve it and this could be hurting them a great deal. It is feared that too much praise can damage and revert the progress of their journey of becoming an adult. Children are praised way too much and it is causing negative effects on their future because it hinders their development of becoming a well-rounded person by pushing undesirable traits on them. The big question is, what caused us to start praising kids so much more than we did in the past? There can be a multitude of possible causes, but there are a few very likely reasons. A probable contributor would be parents not wanting to be too tough on their kids, but why is this happening? It most likely started with the enactment of child abuse laws. Before these laws existed it was common that a child who acted up would receive abuse of some sort. These laws were definitely needed; they are just kids after all. The problem is that the trend has continued to an …show more content…

"In essence, they are very vulnerable”, says Brummelman."For instance, when they are criticized or feel humiliated, they tend to become aggressive." There have been two competing theories about the parental influence on narcissistic traits; one suggests that narcissism evolves as a defense mechanism to cope with a lack of parental warmth and affection, while the other posits that it's actually the result of too much praise. "Social learning theory suggests that the narcissism develops when parents believe their children are more important than others, more special than others, more entitled than. (Newspaper Source Plus

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